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Re: The most bizarre movie you ever saw?

Blue Velvet was weird, but I will go with Teeth.

About a girl with teeth in her hoo ha (Sorry for the childish name, but I probably can't say the v word on the board.).

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Re: The most bizarre movie you ever saw?

The "Saw" series.

Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, but Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.
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Re: The most bizarre movie you ever saw?

@Dusty1   You win!

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Re: The most bizarre movie you ever saw?

The first movie that came to mind was A Clockwork Orange.

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Re: The most bizarre movie you ever saw?

The one that sticks out in my mind was called  The Birds made in 1963 by Alfred Hitchcock....scared the daylights out of me !  To this day, if I see a conglomeration of birds outside, I think...UH-OH !!

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Re: The most bizarre movie you ever saw?

I found Moulin Rouge to be bizarre with Nicole Kidman.  It killed me to sit through it.

I did think of Eyes Wide Shut off the bat but it has been mentioned a few times already.

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Re: The most bizarre movie you ever saw?

Even though I liked it, I thought The Shape of Water was pretty bizarre.

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Re: The most bizarre movie you ever saw?

[ Edited ]

If we're talking most bizarre and not necessarily the scariest, I say Ereaserhead, hands down, drop the mic.  It's another David Lynch.


My husband watched Teeth and told me about it.  Not interested in watching LOL.

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Re: The most bizarre movie you ever saw?

Two by David Lynch:


1) Lost Highway

2) Mulholland Drive


I have watched both movies several time and I still cannot understand them.

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Re: The most bizarre movie you ever saw?

Gloria Bell.  Truly strange.  Listed Sean Astin as one of the stars - He was in it maybe 5 minutes.


Becky.   Disturbing to say the least.