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I'd heard about the possibility of Adam leaving, and I have to say, that I'm not sure how well the show will weather without Blake and Adam in those anchor positions. 


It might be ok and it might not. It is going to depend on if they both leave at the same time, and who they get to replace them. 


But I don't think it is going to do the show any favors. 


Could be the beginning of the decline of The Voice? 

@Mominohio, I really hope they're both not leaving. What they should do is take a season off and come back. I can't see turning down the obscene amount of money they're probably paid for the show.

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I would hate to see Adam leave. He is my favorite. I think the voice would not be the same without him and Blake.


I did not watch much of last season as Jennifer Hudson was annoying.


I will try to watch this season as I like Kelly Clarkson, but not Alicia Keys. I wish Pharrel would come back.



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I was just watching Today with Kathie Lee and Hoda, with Kelly Clarkson hosting with them. They showed a clip of Kathie Lee and Hoda auditioning! Kelly turned first followed by Alicia Keys. Adam and Blake had to turn around because of Kelly's reaction! Watch the clip if you get a chance. Kelly also talked about the new block button. If I understood her correctly each coach only gets to use it once the whole season and the other coaches won't know you used it.

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Re: The Voice Season 14

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I was just watching Today with Kathie Lee and Hoda, with Kelly Clarkson hosting with them. They showed a clip of Kathie Lee and Hoda auditioning! Kelly turned first followed by Alicia Keys. Adam and Blake had to turn around because of Kelly's reaction! Watch the clip if you get a chance. Kelly also talked about the new block button. If I understood her correctly each coach only gets to use it once the whole season and the other coaches won't know you used it.


I wish I had seen that @Jordan2.  I had it on but was in the shower.  I just Googled it and found it on the Today show's website.  They showed the interview with them before they went out on stage but not their performance.  I'll keep looking for it.


Came back to say that I found the clip on The Voice website.  It was cute.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
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I think Blake used his block way too early in the auditioning process. I knew Alicia was going to block Blake and I expect Adam and Kelly will block him too. 

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I looking forward to a season without Miley.  


Me too!!  She is the reason I stopped watching,  Now I will go back to the show!!


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Re: The Voice Season 14

[ Edited ]


I think Blake used his block way too early in the auditioning process. I knew Alicia was going to block Blake and I expect Adam and Kelly will block him too. 

@Jordan2I'm glad they only have 1 block each. It would get really annoying!  Woman Mad It does a disservice to the contestants really. Woman Frustrated Hopefully they won't have the block feature  in the other segments of the season!

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I'm really looking forward to the return of The Voice tomorrow night. I read for this season they redesigned the chairs with a button that allows the coaches to block each other from recruiting talent, should be interesting! I read this could be Adam's last season as his wife who is pregnant with their second daughter wants him to be more involved with the family. It said if Adam goes Blake would too as he is unhappy that Gwen isn't a judge. The article also said Adam couldn't stand both Miley and Jennifer. Most people work with some people they don't like, they need to get over it. 

Weird about the button thing .....will have to see how that works out......there is an old saying..."don't fix what ain't broke".. the system has been fine so far...and like one other poster may not be fair for the contestants....wouldn't miss Adam .....and i like Miley, not so much Jennifer and could DEF do w/o Gwen...i think she is the worst judge....

My sentiments exactly.  Miley did a good job, I feel the same way about Adam and Gwen and couldn't stand Jennifer.   Thank you, thank you, thank you.

The moving finger writes; And having writ, Moves on: nor all your Piety nor Wit Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line Nor all your Tears Wash out a Word of it. Omar Khayam
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I was surprised Adam used his block on Kelly. The block isn't working so well, Blake used it on Adam and lost the contestant to Alicia, Adam used it on Kelly and lost the contestant to Blake (I think).

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I'm watching The Voice and don't like how they gloss over some of the contestants. They get shortchanged, we don't get to know them or their back stories. I wonder how the producers decide who gets featured and who doesn't?