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Re: The Three Face Of Eve...

@YouGoGirl1 wrote:

@Group 5 minus 1, Yes awful pan makeup, looked like paste. Perry Mason was my mother's favorite show.

Hollywood Columnist Hedda Hopper's son William Hopper

played Private Investigator Paul Drake. You can watch

Perry Mason on Freevee.

Perry Mason is also on ME TV twice a day, early morning and late at night. 

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Re: The Three Face Of Eve...

And I do. Thanks for info.

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Re: The Three Face Of Eve...

Truddie Chase had 92 personalities. She wrote a book

called "When Rabbit Howls" And also a 2 part miniseries

Called Voices Within: The lives of Truddie Chase.

I couldn't read the book.

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Re: The Three Face Of Eve...

@YouGoGirl1  Smiley Surprised  I wonder which personility wrote the book?  Smiley Surprised

"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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Re: The Three Face Of Eve...

Truddie and the troops wrote it. Truddie passed away in 2010. They all had input

In the writing of the book.

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Re: The Three Face Of Eve...

@Mz iMac, Truddie Chase was on Oprah in the 90's.

Oprah interviews a woman with 92 personalities, on


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Re: The Three Face Of Eve...

@TexasMom1 wrote:

One of Nancy Kulp's first movies was "The Model And The Marriage Broker", starring Thelma Ritter, Jeanne Crain, Scott Brady, Zero Mostel, and Michael O'Shea (1951). It is shown often on TCM and a really enjoyable movie. I keep it taped on my DVR because I like watching it every year, if not more! 

Been one of my faves for many years, Ritter is at her charming best !!!

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Re: The Three Face Of Eve...

@Mz iMac, She named her book. When Rabbit Howls...

Have you ever heard a rabbit howl???? I guess it is

quite common for rabbits.

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Re: The Three Face Of Eve...

@YouGoGirl1 wrote:

@Mz iMac, She named her book. When Rabbit Howls...

Have you ever heard a rabbit howl???? I guess it is

quite common for rabbits.

Yes, they scream. Unfortunately I heard the sound when a hawk took a neighbor's pet rabbit from an outside cage with no top covering.


There were a group of us adults chatting in our rural back yard when it happened. The 6 year old girl whose pet the rabbit was was with us and had hysterics. Luckily my 3 year old was napping.


We had the same cage (different rabbit). My ex put a wire top on our cage the next day.  We put our rabbit in the basement right away. After awhile we gave the rabbit to a friend with a heated contained porch.

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Re: The Three Face Of Eve...

@candyagain -, Yes, when rabbits get stressed out they can really howl..