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Patricia Heaton's new show sounds like something I'd enjoy.  It's funny that the characters she portrayed on Everybody Loves Raymond and The Middle show her as not being very good at housekeeping or cooking, so this will be a good way for her to redeem herself.  Woman Happy

"I always have a chair for you in the smallest parlor in the world, to wit, my heart." --Emily Dickinson
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@Constance2 - ha ha - I didn't think of that! You are so right!!
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She was just on Kelly & Michael promoting this show. I already set my dvr to record it. Woman Happy

"Pure Michigan"
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I've also really enjoyed this show -- the child actors are sooo talented and the satirical flavor of this semi-functional family, the writing, was good. I agree about it not being as good now that the two oldest are away.


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@ID2 wrote:

She was just on Kelly & Michael promoting this show. I already set my dvr to record it. Woman Happy

Me, too!  Looking forward to Saturday's show with the cast from The Middle joining her for a party.  Woman Happy

"I always have a chair for you in the smallest parlor in the world, to wit, my heart." --Emily Dickinson
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I am still watching it and I think the episodes are getting funnier again!!!!  I am happy to say it is getting more like it was before.  They are involving the kids more and this really makes it enjoyable!!!


The last show was funny where Sue had Brick come up for a visit and he got lost and then she ran into the hunky guy that she had a crush on.  And then Axle and his room-mates lost their room and had to move in with their parents!!!  This should be hilarious!!!


And don't forget -- everyone --- this coming week should be really great with all the shows having their Halloween episodes!  Can't wait!!!!  

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Just FYI but the reruns being shown on Hallmark are going to be on hiatus starting October 31 until January 6 because Hallmark will be showing 24/7 x-mas programming. 

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The Halloween show was just so funny!  Brick stole the show!!!  He was wonderful!!!!  

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin