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We really enjoy that show. Looked on the internet and cannot find out if Chris Kataan was fired or is on leave because of his DUI? Does anyone know? He played Bob.

And there was no one left to speak out for me....
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I watch every now and then but cannot place his character at all.
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I don't recall EVER seeing this guy and I've been watching for a couple years. I really liked the guitar playing preacher who appears periodically. I stopped watching because Axle was really grossing me out. At first it's a true to life family and their trials and tribulations with loads of comedy and NO laugh track or audience. Love that.But then it got kind of tiresome. I know Frankie is supposed to be funny, but I kinda started disliking her character. Anyway, I've switched to watching The Mysteries of Laura, same time, different channel.

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Bob worked at the dealership. Was Frankie's best friend. Kind of different. Brought his girlfriend to TG dinner. She was a librarian and Bob was jealous because she spent so much time w/ Brick. He also helped the family out by getting Mike a job driving for Little Betty cakes at night when Frankie paid $200.00 for a face cream. Mike never cared for him.

We like Rev. Tim-Tom also.

Adore Grampa Big Mike. Anyone remember Northern Exposure?

And there was no one left to speak out for me....
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Oh yes--Northern Exposure--another great oldy but goody! The Middle is one of my very favorite shows--great writing and great acting! I get so mad that is doesn't get any Emmy love. Last night's show was another winner--poor Sue! She is so weird but so lovable! And Brick getting into the old game shows--priceless!

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Kattan was a regular only during the first two seasons of the show. He made occasional guest appearances in seasons three through five. The show is now in the middle of its sixth season, but no announcements have been made as to whether he will appear or not.

My guess is that his disappearance has nothing to do with a DUI incident but has to do with the fact that his character was mainly part of an old storyline.

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We will miss him. Thankx for the info.

And there was no one left to speak out for me....
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Oh yeah, I had forgotten about him. There was so much good stuff about the dealership. Too bad she changed jobs and those characters went away.

I only discovered the show a couple of seasons ago but caught up on one of the rerun channels. I really like it. Something about Patricia Heaton that I'm not her biggest fan. I like him though (from Scrubs) - can't remember his name - the husband. d'oh!

As for the characters of the kids-YIKES! I don't like those kids at all. Well, the girl is just annoying and when she screams I want to kill my tv. But Brick is a little jerk and Axl is - well, a name I can't say here that starts with an 'a' and ends with 'hole'. hehe

I guess all that speaks to their great acting, though, so I do enjoy the show.

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I love this show! It came on the same season as Modern Family and I don't know why it doesn't get the same love! I'm not even sure it has gotten any Emmy nods at all. I love Modern Family too but relate more to the Heck family!

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I was listening to Entertainment Weekly on the radio and they said the same thing you said jordan!

They said they thought (and I agree with you and them) that The Middle just doesn't get the praise and respect it should.

They said that perhaps because it doesn't have the varied cast of characters that Modern Family has.

However, their viewer ratio is quite high so we aren't the only people who like this show.

I thought it was interesting to see how they managed to keep the young man in the show even though he's in college.

Together they make the show really good.