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Re: The Meredith Vieira Show Cancelled

I thought they buried that show a long time ago. 

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Re: The Meredith Vieira Show Cancelled

The local station that brought us this show canceled it at the beginning of the fall season. Perhaps Meredith can return to the View. If not, she can find her way through the news media. These days, experience doesn't count for much. I hope she can return to the regular media, where she belongs.

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Re: The Meredith Vieira Show Cancelled

It's still on around here.  I thought they were reruns, but the Mothers Day episode was new.


It's a good show - Don't know why it didn't catch on.

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Re: The Meredith Vieira Show Cancelled

i enjoyed meredith and am sorry to see her go.  now if rinna gets a talk show that would be silly compared to meredith and her credentials imo.

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Re: The Meredith Vieira Show Cancelled

I enjoy watching the panel segments.  A few months ago, I decided to learn more about Lance Bass' bio on Wikipedia.  As I recall, I was rather impressed, especially reading about his space flight plans.  Very impressive overall bio.   

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: The Meredith Vieira Show Cancelled

I liked Meredith when she was on The View.  Then she went to Today, and I was turned off by the constant flirting between her and Matt; they acted like teenagers though both were married..  Now her talk show has gone the way of Katie Couric's yak fest.  Maybe TV's saturated with that sort of programming..

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Re: The Meredith Vieira Show Cancelled

When the show first aired, she had brought a comfy chair from home to use on set when she conducted interviews.  After awhile, it disappeared.  Always wondered what became of that chair!  It was well-worn - She said her pets had been responsible for the pulls and rips.

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Re: The Meredith Vieira Show Cancelled

I enjoy her and I enjoyed her show when it aired in the morning.  The last year it has aired here in the afternoon and I am not sitting around watching TV at that time so I have not been watching. 

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Re: The Meredith Vieira Show Cancelled

[ Edited ]

I read awhile ago this show was not coming back for another season.


I like Meredith Vieria a lot. (she was a (the best) news reporter on the NYC CBS affiliate a long time ago)  For some reason, I've never been able to make it through an entire show of hers.

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Registered: ‎08-08-2011

Re: The Meredith Vieira Show Cancelled

Low ratings I believe is the reason 

not sure what the ratings were