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I thought the ending clearly meant the show was hoping for another season, but also worked well as the end of the series.  Not everything was wrapped up of course (in case it was renewed) and the bombshell at the end made way for another season, but a lot was wrapped up regardless.   At least we know whether Adam is dead or alive which was the biggest thing that needed to be wrapped up.








































I have two questions:


(1) What happened to the female reporter who quit?  We saw her for just a couple of seconds in the snow and it looked like she was dead.  Are we supposed to think she killed herself?  Or more likely since Willa was "seeing" her in her mind, that Willa had killed her?  Huh? What happened to the reporter do you think?


(2) Also, was the perp dead or just wounded?  I know the detective said he couldn't identify the perp because he only dealt with the wife, and the perp looked dead to me after the wife shot him, but someone said something to make me think he was still alive and maybe just wounded.   Does anyone know or is that ambiguous too?

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 I believe Willa may have killed the reporter since she was seeing her in her mind.


Now Ben may never know his mother wanted or wants him.  That is the part that will never be answered by this series.


Good to know that Adam is alive (where was he kept all this time?) but how did his mother see his spirit if he wasn't dead????

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@colliegirls wrote:

 I believe Willa may have killed the reporter since she was seeing her in her mind.


Now Ben may never know his mother wanted or wants him.  That is the part that will never be answered by this series.


Good to know that Adam is alive (where was he kept all this time?) but how did his mother see his spirit if he wasn't dead????

I agree with all who said that they probably expected another season. I think that Willa killed the journalist and I also want to know where Adam was kept , his Mom I think was just seeing her son as he. Was when he disappeared, it was her way of dealing for the final time of his death. It still left some unanswered questions. I am glad that I watched this series, and would have watched it if it had been renewed.

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@Pearlee wrote:



(1) What happened to the female reporter who quit?  We saw her for just a couple of seconds in the snow and it looked like she was dead.  Are we supposed to think she killed herself?  Or more likely since Willa was "seeing" her in her mind, that Willa had killed her?  Huh? What happened to the reporter do you think?


(2) Also, was the perp dead or just wounded?  I know the detective said he couldn't identify the perp because he only dealt with the wife, and the perp looked dead to me after the wife shot him, but someone said something to make me think he was still alive and maybe just wounded.   Does anyone know or is that ambiguous too?


1) I think Willa killed the reporter. 


2) The perp is dead and it was Adam who shot Doug, not Jane the wife. In one scene we see a male (Adam) take the rifle from Jane as she's telling him we have to go, hurry. Adam says there's one thing he has to do and then we see male feet walking across the snow toward where they found Doug.


Still unanswered questions. Where was Adam for 10 years? Was the husband the only one who didn't know Ben really wasn't Adam?  Did the detective get the "world's worst detective" award?

Formerly lainey since Shop Talk days. Had to change nickname due to new Forum
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Funny, I thought this wrapped up nicely.


As I thought all along, Adam wasn't really dead.  It appears he was living at that house where Jane and the perp were.  He is the one who shot the perp.  At the end he called home, told Ben he stole his life and he was coming to get it back. 


I don't think the perp was dead.  When Nina walked over to him, he looked right at her.  When Nina found the detective, she said "we have him now" and that's when the detective said he couldn't id him because he always dealt with Jane.  If the perp was dead, it wouldn't matter whether or not the detective could ID him. They wouldn't need an ID to catch him.


Bridey was dead and to me it was obvious Willa killed her.  That's what she was thinking about as her mom was giving the speech. 


The scene with Hank and the boy was weird.  It was odd to me a boy would come right out and ask a stranger for a ride home.  And then once Hank drove him home, there was a weird vibe to me in the car.  Why wouldn't the boy get out?  That was strange all the way around.


The only thing that didn't make much sense to me, which makes me think they rewrote some of this to get a better wrap up to the series, is that earlier on when we thought Adam was dead, they showed him lying down, all sweaty and the perp told Ben he took ill.  But last night they showed him getting hit in the head by the perp, blood everywhere and appearing to be dead.  It would seem the perp would have carried him out right then, not left him there.  His wound would have needed to be addressed.


And from what I remember, the boys were 2 very different ages.  When they showed Adam initally all sweaty and "sick", he looked like a very young Adam, not the older Adam that was hit in the head.  

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Thanks, everyone!  I completely missed it was Adam who shot the perp - I didn't see a guy take the gun!  Thanks!  Yes, i think Willa killed the reporter too.  I think Willa in her own way is a nuts as the perp.


I think the father did not know Ben wasn't Adam.


I liked how the Kevin McCarthy character ended up - doing the right thing with the young boy in his car.


I think they were hoping for renewal and trying to stretch the show into a second seaon - which would have been too much for me.  I wouldn't have watched a second season.  Enough already with all the craziness.

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Initially they surely  made it seem as if Jane shot the perp. That is what Nina even told the cop.  But then they showed Adam going outside, shooting and then he and Jane left.


I wouldn't have watched anymore either.  I don't think we needed to see the real Adam come back and what would have happened between Adam and Ben.


The brother knew who Ben was but it appears the father is the only one in the family who was left in the dark.

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I agree with all of the above, execept that I think the perp is still alive.

There is a scene between the detectives where one of them says he should be locked up in cage.  Does anyone recall that?

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I was thinking about the conversation Nina had with Claire, too.  She did mention how she wanted to be able to lock Doug away, similar to what he had done to Adam and Ben.

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I also think Willa killed the journalist, it seems Willa will do anything to further her mother's political career. Doug is still definitely alive. What I don't get is where was Adam staying, in the house? Why is he staying with Jane and not returning to his family right away? It makes me think that Ben didn't escape, he may have been released to further a bigger plan. What happened to the older brother. He didn't show up at the acceptance speech his mother gave? So many questions that will never be answered.