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Re: The Bold & The Beautiful --- February 2018 (includes spoilers)

"Who shot Bill??!!" could turn into a daytime-version of "Who shot J.R.??!!"  


It seems it would more likely be someone who has already left the show...or who is leaving soon. Of course in soaps people can get away with things without facing the normal real-life consequences...but you would think whoever does this would wind up in  jail.


Since Thomas has left, he could be the one...just come back for a short stint. Same with Caroline. Sally and her grandmother are leaving per reports so it could be one of them. (Already posted I think it is the grandmother!) Sheila is leaving soon so it could be her. Of course if Steffy wants out, then she could be the one. And even someone revered like Eric could do it...and somehow get off with just a slap on the wrist.


Will be interesting!



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Re: The Bold & The Beautiful --- February 2018 (includes spoilers)

How about Pam gets wind that Bill doesn't like lemon bars and does the deed? Smiley Happy

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Re: The Bold & The Beautiful --- February 2018 (includes spoilers)



You are funny.


Yes, Pam will shoot him and then poison him with the lemon bars if she is a bad shot.


Heck add Maya to the list.


Years of Maya being upset about Bill leaking her being born male to the press, 

finally takes its toll.


We can probably put a reason to every character in the show on why they hate


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Re: The Bold & The Beautiful --- February 2018 (includes spoilers)

That's why I think it will be Sheila since she's not a permanent cast member. Plus, she wants to frame Quinn to get her away from Eric. 

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Re: The Bold & The Beautiful --- February 2018 (includes spoilers)

Is anyone keeping track of how many people want Bill dead?  I've lost count!


So here's my prediction (which is .... as everyone knows...useless...and always wrong).  Follow this,


Bill will get shot or something.  Since Ridge has been so loud with everyone listening, he'll be charged (but we know he didn't do it).  Shelia might do it and say her mind isn't right and she believed Ridge when he asked that of her.


This plot will go on all Spring and maybe into the Summer (whoopee) That spelling looks weird...where was I?  Keep up people...this is important...OK, so you know what that means....TaDa....a mystery!  What it also means is the actor who plays Bill (too lazy to look up name and can't remember) gets the entire Spring and some of Summer off because he'll be lying bed the entire time in a freaking coma...hanging by his toenails (so to speak)...


We all know they'll never REALLY kill off Bill.  He's one of the most important characters on the show...


Anyone have an idea on how many have now threatened him?  But wait!  Don't add it up yet!  We're still counting...there are more people who'll threaten him, but today we just saw the one the cops will go after....


It's too soon for me to guess....doesn't matter, I'll be wrong anyway...I've lost my touch..I used to be really good at it to the point where my late husband wouldn't even let me say it out loud as I was usually right.  But that was when I was young(er).


Stay tuned!  Say, almost's about that acting today on the part of Head Honcho?  He did a good job with Quinn hanging on to him to keep him from having a heart attack.  Hummm???? 


How is Shelia still there anyway?

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Re: The Bold & The Beautiful --- February 2018 (includes spoilers)


Sometimes I think all the characters are vying to be biggest hypocrite.  Ridge & Bill are so much alike in that department that I thought the writers were going to have them be brothers, especially with all the antipathy between them. 

Both sons of Massimo. (That could explain why Bill’s father was cold and abusive to him.)

Do you remember how they explained the absence of the mother? I thought in the early days of Caroline, the mother had died but, that could have all been a story by Bill Sr.


I could see Sally’s “Grams” shooting Bill too.  I hope, though, it will be more of a main character. 

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Re: The Bold & The Beautiful --- February 2018 (includes spoilers)


I find all the familial, borderline incestuous relationships on this show rather creepy. 

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Re: The Bold & The Beautiful --- February 2018 (includes spoilers)


I love Lt Baker’s Hot Dog obsession.  Pink’s is going be getting extra business.

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Re: The Bold & The Beautiful --- February 2018 (includes spoilers)



We need to add Justin to the list of suspects for shooting Bill. Bill just told him he'd be the heir to Spencer since Liam and Wyatt are out and Will's too young.



Formerly lainey since Shop Talk days. Had to change nickname due to new Forum
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Re: The Bold & The Beautiful --- February 2018 (includes spoilers)

Since Will probably won’t be seen again until he’s a teenager anyway, maybe it could be him!