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Re: The Bad Seed is on TCM now

Betty Davis fan here too.  OMG...I just love her in "Whatever happened to Baby Jane". What a great, talented actress she was. 

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Re: The Bad Seed is on TCM now

My older sister use to taunt me and  call me the Bad Seed after that movie came out! LOL! I was freaked out by the ending when the lightening struck and killed the little girl.. I was always afraid of lighting after that . Smiley Happy

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Re: The Bad Seed is on TCM now

I think the play had a different ending. Remember the Three's Company spinoff, The Ropers, Patty McCormack played the neighbor's wife. Jeffrey Tambor played the  annoying neighbor.

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Re: The Bad Seed is on TCM now

One of our favorite films. It is interesting that it is filmed like a stage play.

DH and I will joke many times about her remark(Rhoda) "If he would have given me the medal I wouldn't have had to kill him." 

And there was no one left to speak out for me....
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Re: The Bad Seed is on TCM now

@Mary Bailey wrote:

@DoneTryin   I just love Christmas movies,  but I  also watch some creepy, scary movies too.


There are some scary movies I could never, ever watch to this day, like The Exorcist.



@Mary Bailey

i am that way now also......i cant even stand to watch the PREVIEWS of some of these movies when they are scheduled to be shown. i hate that some of the new movies coming into the movie theaters have graphic scary scenes shown on commercials!


i can pretty much no longer watch THE EXORCIST, OMEN, BURNT OFFERINGS.....there are probably more, but i just dont want to think about them. LOL


that being said, i do love to watch THE BAD SEED. maybe because there was a sort of "justice" done at the end.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: The Bad Seed is on TCM now

@spiritoo wrote: favorite movie!!! I've seen it so many times and just love how strange it is. I also love the way the movie is done almost like a play!! Complete with that interesting ending.

Eileen Heckart as the Dagle boy's mom was FANTASTIC!

ooo...can you tell I like The Bad Seed!!

oh...the novel (same title) written by William March is also fabulous! Slightly different plot lines, but well written.


     One of my favorite movies. Have watched it many times and I am one who does not like to watch the same movie over and over.  But the story is so amazing and the little girl was so creepy!   While in High School, the acting club presented this play.  One of my best friends, who was very artsy, played the part of Rhoda just perfectly!

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Re: The Bad Seed is on TCM now

Those steps from The Exorcist are in Georgetown.  Can you believe people still go there and have their pictures taken?


When we would go over to Georgetown at night it was creepy even being over near there, fun but creepy.


That is an amazing movie.  Most movies these days that people think are amazing have so many special effects, the acting becomes secondary.


Different, but thinking about how some shows hold up is that Entertainment Weekly did a front cover on some shows from way back, the actors, then and now.


I saw an interview with Michael J. Fox and the Professor (forget his name) recently.  It's always fun to go back.  The Professor was asked if he'd do yet another Back to the Future and he said, "Sure.  Why not"?  They compared some of the things BTTF showed and talked about and if it happened and ...... surprise....there are some similar items that we have now that were predicted.  


It's just fun.

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Re: The Bad Seed is on TCM now

annabellethecat wrote:

Those steps from The Exorcist are in Georgetown.  Can you believe people still go there and have their pictures taken?


When we would go over to Georgetown at night it was creepy even being over near there, fun but creepy.


That is an amazing movie.  Most movies these days that people think are amazing have so many special effects, the acting becomes secondary.


Different, but thinking about how some shows hold up is that Entertainment Weekly did a front cover on some shows from way back, the actors, then and now.


I saw an interview with Michael J. Fox and the Professor (forget his name) recently.  It's always fun to go back.  The Professor was asked if he'd do yet another Back to the Future and he said, "Sure.  Why not"?  They compared some of the things BTTF showed and talked about and if it happened and ...... surprise....there are some similar items that we have now that were predicted.  


It's just fun.




speaking of the steps......and i probably should not even be talking about them......

i have some friends going to this event..... i can hear the theme song playing in my mind already!


In a city filled with landmarks, one of D.C.'s most recognizable will finally be commemorated on Oct. 30. At long last, the city will recognize The Exorcist steps—the steep Georgetown staircase that Father Demien Karras plunged to his death down in director William Friedkin's classic 1973 horror film—as a significant location in D.C.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: The Bad Seed is on TCM now

I saw a documentary of what is supposed to be the  true story of the  In this, they said that this event actually occurred in Mt. Rainier, Md.  not too far from where I live. The home it said,  had not been lived in since the event happened; and to a boy, not a girl; the mother was not an actress,the family was Lutheran at the time.  It seems an aunt had lived with the family for some time and played board games with the boy among other things.that encouraged demon activity. Some other events were true, it said, others not  . Not sure one way or another but found the documentary interesting any way..


Didn't see that movie till years after it came out; don't think I could have handled it then but in the years since so many horrific  movies has been made it now seems not as scary as it would have then, other than being a real event..; Gregory Peck and Lee Remick made a thriller about the antichrist that was really scary as well, "The Omen"...  Don't watch any more horror movies, need to fill my mind with more positive things when I can; enough negatives out there today.


As far as the Bad Seed is concerned, well made movie, scary enough for that day but compared to the horrific and over the top stuff  made today I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it now for someone who wants to see a  thriller..I once knew a child we all thought could have been capable of things we shuddered to think about, an only child pampered by an adoring and older mother.


Please remember, the events I post here were in a documentary on the subject, not any thing I  can personally verify to be  factual.

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Re: The Bad Seed is on TCM now


TCM has some movies on demand.    i had never seen the Bad Seed,  for some reason i had it confused with a Twilight Zone episode.


The Children's Hour is good too, for a film with lots of plot twists and turns, and another manipulative, sneaky child. very young stars Shirley McLaine, Audrey Hepburn and a hunky James Garner star in this one.