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Re: The Amazing Race......And It's ON!

@LoriLori  I guess it's a catch 22.  Maybe they have to be finished by a certain time or maybe they figured people would be together and looking for something to watch?

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Re: The Amazing Race......And It's ON!

@Annabellethecat66, reading this I got a mental image of that somebody's head rolling down the staircases at 30 Rock LOL.  This is why the heads of networks are loathe to try new things. They're just running to stay in place and it's better to fail in a familiar way than by trying a new thing LOL.

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Re: The Amazing Race......And It's ON!

@LoriLori  Your knowledge of the corporate world gives a unique perspective here on the boards.  I really like that Lori.  I respect your ideas and sometimes helps me to 'see the other side' as they say.  :smileyhappy


The previews look to me like we are supposed to believe something major'wait!  It's not over yet.  You people think the 'green team' is going to win....but stay tuned'.


Hummmm???  Soap fans are used to getting led in the wrong direction.


Any ideas on who you'd like to win?  Just curious.  Anyone else care to say who you THINK will win and who you'd like to see win?

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Re: The Amazing Race......And It's ON!

Thanks, @Annabellethecat66!


Some things have changed since I worked in television and television advertising but some things stay the same.  Big corporations own all the networks now; they didn't then.  But a network president still has to spend most of his time trying to stay in the same place or better.  


A media buyer has a much harder job now with the proliferation of stations, and Nielsen has not kept up sufficiently but the worst nightmare of a media buyer and a client is DVRs.   Everytime someone tells me or I read here a person skips the commercials I get an image of someone sneaking into the movies.  That's because of what I did.  OTOH I perfectly understand why people do that.


I loved buying television.  It was so much easier than but still today it is a science and an art.  I had nine million dollars of my own company's money to spend and a stable of salesmen and saleswomen catering to my every request.  ("Tickets to the game?  I'll messenger them over", "Want to try that new restaurant that got two stars?  Pick a day next week" oh boy was I spoiled and then I got too sick to keep it up and it ended.


I was also very very good at what I did and got great value for my company!

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Re: The Amazing Race......And It's ON!

@LoriLori sending you an email, sweet lori.

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Re: The Amazing Race......And It's ON!

This is the first season of The Amazing Race where I haven't been fully behind one team for a long time. I'd like Kelsey and Joey to win simply because I cannot stand the other two remaining teams. Have not cared for Justin the entire time --good look to Diana marrying him, and Logan and Chris are not very nice people, they seem to be the epitome of paparazzi. They're so rude to each another. It's definitely one of the worst seasons thus far.

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Re: The Amazing Race......And It's ON!

I stopped watching right before the end because I was hoping the Green team would get kicked off (based on the way they were showing the pro mos.  


I know now they did that to excite everyone because there are so many people who can't stand the Green team (me, me)!


Well, I finially looked and I'm so upset.  Ugh!  I am so sick of seeing that ugly guy crying and crying for the cameras.  Then he's screaming at his girlfriend the minute he gets stressed out then crying again.


If I was her I'd go over, make him look into my face and say, "Buck up sissy boy!  At least I don't sit and cry".  How can she love something like him?

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Re: The Amazing Race......And It's ON!

You knew they were teasing us, leading us to believe the Green Team did not make the finals.


I hope she watched the season and rethought the idea of spending the rest of her life with this obnoxious, self-centered lout.

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Re: The Amazing Race......And It's ON!

@lulu2  I doubt it.  I don't think she's especially bright or she wouldn't be with him in the first place.


Now don't get me wrong.....I like sensitive males, to a point.  This guy cries all of the time (and he's an ugly crier, the worst, kinda like me).  My late husband loved Disney movies and he's been known to she a tear at one, but never sit and cry and cry like this idiot does.  Doesn't he realize he's being filmed?  He just looks stupid.


Then he goes and screams at her?  Ugh!

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Re: The Amazing Race......And It's ON!

Annabelle, from what I have read about Justin, apparently his whole life revolves around the Amazing Race. He is obsessed with it. So, I guess it is understandable that he would be devastated by not making the Final 3. I like Diana, and wish her a lotta luck with him!