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Re: TV Commercials Old Or New, Which Is Your Favorite Or Do You Remember?

@on the bay 

@on the bay wrote:

One new commercial that I remember for being so ridiculous is the Taco Bell one where she says she has always eaten there because it saves her time and money so she could always have time for something she has always wanted to pursue which is music.


@on the bay Welcome!🥰 I had to chuckle at this one, because  I am not familiar with it, but doubt it would be something I would like!😄


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Re: TV Commercials Old Or New, Which Is Your Favorite Or Do You Remember?

@ROMARY wrote:

I'll always remember the man in the truck who stopped, picked up a baby deer, lifted it over a fence to reunite it with it's mom who was waiting........a heartwarming commercial.  


I believe it was a D*gnity commercial.

@ROMARY Welcome!🥰 Awwww!  I am not familiar with it, but I am CERTAIN I would like such a heart-tugging commercial!💝


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Re: TV Commercials Old Or New, Which Is Your Favorite Or Do You Remember?

There are so many, I'm sure I'll be returning here. The first one that comes to mind is old--from the '60's. It's the VW beetle commercial with the funeral procession. Look it up on YT; it's hilarious.

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Re: TV Commercials Old Or New, Which Is Your Favorite Or Do You Remember?

@Moonlady wrote:
There are so many, I'm sure I'll be returning here. The first one that comes to mind is old--from the '60's. It's the VW beetle commercial with the funeral procession. Look it up on YT; it's hilarious.

@Moonlady Welcome!🥰  😂😂😂😂 I had to YouTube it, and It is HILARIOUS!!! 100 billion dollars!!😂😂


THANK you SO much for caring to share this afternoon!🤗


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Re: TV Commercials Old Or New, Which Is Your Favorite Or Do You Remember?

@MoJoV wrote:

Budweiser Clydesdale  Also present day ones where people say " you have DOG FOOD in the fridge!?" and out the door they get kicked by the dog owner. Love them, there are several versions, all funny.

@MoJoV Welcome!🥰  The Budweiser commercial has been EXTREMELY popular!😁 I went to YouTube and saw the dog owner commercial and cracked up!😂😂😂


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Re: TV Commercials Old Or New, Which Is Your Favorite Or Do You Remember?

@Shem wrote:


Another die hard Steeler fan here. I grew up in Steeler country but now live in Virginia. I get to the Steeler games usually every other year. Will be going this year.  Do you live in Pa??  Love the commercial with Mean Joe!!!

@Shem Welcome!🥰  You chose a good one! The Mean Joe commercial is one that tugs at the heartstrings!💝


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Re: TV Commercials Old Or New, Which Is Your Favorite Or Do You Remember?

@layla2450 wrote:

Budweiser Clydesldales

Subaru dog commercials

Chewy commercials with cats, especially the one where the cat inherits the summer house from his owner

@layla2450 Welcome!🥰  I never tire of watching the Subaru dog commercials, and smile warmly each time; they are THAT precious!!❤🥰


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Re: TV Commercials Old Or New, Which Is Your Favorite Or Do You Remember?

@sunshine 919 wrote:

Oscar Meyer.  "My bologna has a first name its oscar.  I still think that commercial is cute.  Very creative back in the day.

@sunshine 919 Welcome!🥰 I LOOOOVED❤ that commercial, and am humming the catchy tune now because of your post!😄


THANK you SO much for caring to share such a comforting memory!🤗


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Re: TV Commercials Old Or New, Which Is Your Favorite Or Do You Remember?

@karabeth wrote:

Oldie - Aqua Velva aftershave, "There's something about an Aqua Velva Man" Heart



@karabeth Welcome!🥰 Yours is another I am not familiar with, but I imagine it was QUITE popular because it starred the BEAUTIFUL❤ Marilyn Monroe!😁


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Re: TV Commercials Old Or New, Which Is Your Favorite Or Do You Remember?

Who could forget the Red Rose tea chimps? We loved that ad when we were kids.

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