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OK. Glad Manny won the Quick Fire and thrilled Savannah won the Elimination.


Dan is still getting on my nerves!


I like Manny a lot but not surprised he was sent home. I'm not a chef but even I could see how he messed up his final dish.
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   can't believe that at  this level cooking ( so many with various awards ) , he's had over cooked seafood last week in his dish and  raw fish this time.

 You'd also think they would be tasting their dishes to check the seasoning. As far as  the contestants understanding the challenges, well in some ways not very fair when they are  supposed to be  judged on their  food. 

It was  Manny & Dan's time to leave the competition.


Boy, that Lara was cut throat grabbing her tray crowding out a male contestant .

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I do like Savannah and hope she wins. Manny serving raw fish to the judges was a disaster. He must have run out of time. Can't wait to see the cooking on the cruise ship. Kristen was more relaxed and seemed more congenial. Maybe she works better with small groups.

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@skatting44  I've disliked  Laura from Day 1.

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@Love my grandkids wrote:

@skatting44  I've disliked  Laura from Day 1.

@Love my grandkids you know how I feel! 🤣

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[ Edited ]

@Love my grandkids@CelticCrafter@skatting44, & @elated,

I agree that it was Manny's time to leave, & honestly, I'm surprised he managed to stay for so long.

Awhile back, one of the judges said that his dishes, though different each week, are all similar, even in the way he plates them. Whoever said that was right.


Have any of your heard about the rumblings in the food world? Apparently there's one very angry chef out there who's fuming mad at Danny Garcia, and even with Top Chef & Bravo.

Remember the dish that Danny won with, that set the judges to swooning? Pic attached:



Well, it seems that it's the signature dish of Chef Victoria Blamey who talks about it all the time, & brings it to every restaurant where she's the chef.

Hpwever, Danny was part of the team who collaborated on its creation, so was a part of its development.

But to many, what he did was absolute heresy by taking credit for it.


I like Savannah too, and her winning for a 'simple' potato dish reminded me of another talented TC chef from a few years back, Sarah Gruenberg. Remember her?



She'd won an elimination challenge (I think it was in Italy?) by making a stuffed cabbage dish, and everyone waxed poetic over it. She was very nice too, & I was happy she'd won.


I expect Dan to go next, don't you?


And like, love or hate Laura, she's very talented.

Muddling through...
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@sabatini  It's waaay time for Dan to go. Intersting about Manny getting busted. IMO that's out and out cheating but he's gone, so...


I so hope Savannah wins it all

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@Love my grandkids wrote:

@sabatini  It's waaay time for Dan to go. Intersting about Manny getting busted. IMO that's out and out cheating but he's gone, so...


I so hope Savannah wins it all


Hi, @Love my grandkids! Thanks so much for starting this thread every week. It's much appreciated.

 Smiley Very Happy


Things can get confusing with names, & this season we have Manny, Danny and Dan! 


Yes, Manny is gone.

It was Danny who used another chef's signature dish. This guy:



I feel bad about Dan, but agree that his time is probably up.

Muddling through...
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Posts: 14,160
Registered: ‎11-24-2013


[ Edited ]

@sabatini Thanks for the kind words.  I didn't know if anyone else would be interested so I just thought " what the hay, I'll start a thread and see what happens."


I just don't want that selfish snot Laura to win. Anyone but her, hopefully Savannah. And I noticed Gail was dressed a little nicer this last episode!