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Yeah, losing Carl left a bad taste in my mouth, too.  That being said, I'm in this for the long haul and want to see how TWD ultimately ends, so I'm going to continue to watch.   Since there's a new showrunner, I'm hoping she does a better job than Gimple did. 



@Shogirl  I didn't know Gimple left, did he say why?

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In Chandler's defense -- not that he needs any from me --- he's known this and it's been all over the internet for months.   There was so much angst about it, including the usual internet rumors, most of them wrong as usual.


Maybe he's tired of it, maybe he's coached by TWD management.  That episode was filmed last fall.



The only actor that seemed to be over emotional about their death was "Beth".   She carried on the entire show (Talking Dead)  about it.    But  hers may have been more "fresh", instead of months old, I don't recall.





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Hi @software

In speaking of Chandler, I did not write any of what I did write in the spoiler to find fault with him.  It was meant to be a simple report of his demeanor.  I thought it was rather professional of him, actually.

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Yeah, losing Carl left a bad taste in my mouth, too.  That being said, I'm in this for the long haul and want to see how TWD ultimately ends, so I'm going to continue to watch.   Since there's a new showrunner, I'm hoping she does a better job than Gimple did. 



@Shogirl  I didn't know Gimple left, did he say why?



He didn't leave, he's no longer the showrunner

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Well, finally got around to reading some of the posts here so thought I’d weigh in.  Eagerly awaited the new season.  Carl’s passing was sad, but thought it was done pretty well.  After the shocker of the last finale with him having gotten bit I read some posts from those who thought Chandler was “done wrong” as far as being written out of the show at this point, and/or the way production handled it, etc.  Why he is no longer on the show IMO is irrelevant.  An actor signs a contract to play a role.  Am sure every one on the show is aware (or should be) their character is expendable at some point—even Rick, and Darrel (gulp).  I don’t read the comics so I don’t know (or care) how closely the show follows them.


 Watching him on TD showed him to be a very articulate and unassuming young man who seemed ready to get on with his life. Apparently he is in a band and I remember reading last year that he was planning to enter college after taking some time off.  I think he has a lot of potential as an actor.


Still love the show....but it is dragging somewhat IMO so something/someone had to shake things up, it just happened to be Carl’s demise.


In an earlier post I stated I thought he and Judith and Maggie’s child would be among the eventual leaders of the post-apocalypse.   It will be interesting....






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I agree with many of you that Carl's death was too drawn out.  I think they could have cut at least 10 minutes out, or shortened what everyone had to say into fewer scenes.  


My other thoughts --


I didn't see enough physical contact or emotion from Rick.  Yes, he look anquished, of course, but up until the very end he hardly touched Carl.  Michonne was more emotional than Rick.  Was that intentional because she's a woman?


On TD I thought Chandler was a little wooden.  Not much personality there.  Chris and Greg had better reactions.


I do love this show and am anxious as everyone else to see how it develops. Will truly miss it if and when they wrap it up for good.


PS - Love Morgan!  Bad Axx!

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I don't think Chandler would want to play Carl for the rest of his life.   He probably has a lot better opportunities in TV and film.

I still watch the WD but when they kill off somebody it's like they don't know what to do with the storyline. 

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I think Chandler did just fine on Talking Dead.  I normally bypass that show but I wanted to see him.  I think he was professional and really I didn't expect him to knock the decision to kill him off-he's quite the professional.


I also feel Michonne could be writing her own ticket after her performance in Black Panther and the fact that she as won a Tony for a play she wrote.  I think she is one of the better, if not best, actress in TWD.


Maggie is holding all the cards right now for Season 9; her contract is up after season 8 and NBC (or ABC-one of those) is courting her for a comedy series.


Andrew Lincoln has said before he is getting tired of the time spent away from family in England.


Killing off Carl right now was the wrong move, imo.  TWD has always been about Carl and the future.


I felt Tara and Enid were more dead weight., no pun intended.


Gimpel made a strategic move, though.  Killing off Carl bumps up ratings but if most of the originals are going to leave, that changes the whole dynamics of TWD.


I will watch because I want to follow Michonne, Carol, Morgan, Daryl, and Rick-but even Morgan's time is limited since he is supposed to cross-over to Fear the Walking Dead.


Either way, I'm losing interest in TWD but hanging in a bit longer for the original characters.

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Cakers, well said!  I haven't reached the point of losing interest yet, though.  I'm going to see this show played out to the bitter end. :-)

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I've been a little losing interest in the show, also.   I also thought Chandler did well on Talking Dead.    As somebody upthread mentioned, IIRC, it's been quite a long time since they filmed these episodes so I would imagine he's pretty much over it.  Smiley Happy


I keep watching because I feel so invested but, with me, one day there might be a time when I suddenly turn off.  I tend to do that and, in one hot second, I'm done.  I guess I'll see how it goes. 


Actually, when I saw an episode coming up in my 'To Do' list I remember my initial thought being - 'already?'.   Yeah, yikes.   Usually it's been - 'oh good'.