I thought about starting a thread about this movie, but saw that there was already one, so just decided to pile on.
I love English history/costume dramas, but this one was awful. In my opinion, this director started with three superb actresses and forced them into a ridiculous story line with weird filming angles and music. There is enough intrigue and drama in the actual story of Queen Anne and the Duchess of Marlborough without resorting to all this extraneous - and not funny - 'stuff'!
The scene of the overly made up - to the point of caricature - court men throwing food at a naked man made no sense at all. Now I know that the men of that age wore make up, but i think this was exaggerated purposely to make the men appear less than useless in the court decisions of the day. Multiple scenes of vomiting, a dance scene that is just confusing and other 'forced' things just to try and be funny. I didn't hear a single laugh in the theatre I was in when these scenes were shown.
Olivia Coleman does an outstanding job - as do the other actresses, but in my opinion the film as a whole was 'icky' in a misguided effort to be funny.