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I am curious if anyone else saw this movie and what were their thoughts about it.  

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I saw it and thought it was absolutely terrible.  I am a big English history fan, and I thought the way they dishonored Queen Anne's memory was disgraceful.  I guess I haven't been to an "R" movie in a while, because the nudity and intimate relationships surprised me.

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[ Edited ]

I was wavering back and forth as to whether liked it and I’m going to say I do. Unlike the first response, I don’t know much about English history and read later about the true story behind the movie. The more “intimate relationships” mentioned above are not based on known facts and fabricated for the movie.

I liked the performances and writing. I thought it was sharp and I enjoy a sarcastic wit. Some not nice people. It’s placed in the humor category for award shows, and it belongs there - if you like dark humor. Horrible ending though. And there was one scene with a bunny that had the audience audibly upset (spoiler alert - bunny hops away.)

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A friend of mine saw it.  Didn't like it.  She thought maybe she "didn't get it."  It sounds like one of those "black humor" type movies that need to be taken with a grain of salt.  I have no plans to see it.



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I am looking forward to seeing it, I like all three of the lead actresses. I don't expect films to be true to history or even true to books on which they may be based. I enjoy quirky films. I also want to see Mary Queen of Scots, I love a costume drama. It too takes liberties, depicting a meeting between Elizabeth and Mary that never took place.  I am glad to see women getting so many prominent roles.

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I haven't but at my bridge game last week 3 women who see just about every movie that comes out had seen it.  All three raved about the cast, acting, cinematography, etc and how great the movie was.   Then all 3 said they wouldn't recommend it to anyone though because of the "ICK" factor.


All 3, who aren't easily 'icked out' , said it was just too much and over the top.   Now I have no idea what exactly was going on but just passing it on.  I'm not interested in seeing it anyway so if someone wants to enlighten me as to what this 'ick' factor is, please do.


But I guess the message is be prepared for something very icky and lots of it.

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I happily like to spoil when asked.  I’m not sure I would use the word “ick”, but I assume there are a few scenes they may be referring to...


* Part of how the women earn favor with the queen is by sex.  Nothing is shown, but there are some acts alluded to.  There is nothing to indicate this is true and is most likely fabricated for the film.
** There are a few other brief sex scenes; nothing particularly shocking 
*** Shown in the previews...a duck is shot close to one of the women’s faces, splattering her in blood.
**** A bizarre scene where the gentlemen of the court are throwing food at a fat naked man.  Just for fun.
***** The scene I commented on - the queen keeps rabbits in memory of her deceased children. In one of the final scenes, one woman is shown stepping on one of the small bunnies.  Several groans and gasps from the audience as nobody expected it.  Bunny hops away, but was still quite jarring.

Was a bit of a strange movie. Those last two comments would certainly give pause.  But, I’m still going to say I liked it!




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@Alter Ego


Thanks.  I watch Game of Thrones.   These things  seem pretty mild to me.  Smiley Wink     

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I thought about starting a thread about this movie, but saw that there was already one, so just decided to pile on.  


I love English history/costume dramas, but this one was awful.  In my opinion, this director started with three superb actresses and forced them into a ridiculous story line with weird filming angles and music.  There is enough intrigue and drama in the actual story of Queen Anne and the Duchess of Marlborough without resorting to all this extraneous - and not funny - 'stuff'!  


The scene of the overly made up - to the point of caricature - court men throwing food at a naked man made no sense at all.  Now I know that the men of that age wore make up, but i think this was exaggerated purposely to make the men appear less than useless in the court decisions of the day.  Multiple scenes of vomiting, a dance scene that is just confusing and other 'forced' things just to try and be funny.  I didn't hear a single laugh in the theatre I was in when these scenes were shown.  


Olivia Coleman does an outstanding job - as do the other actresses, but in my opinion the film as a whole was 'icky' in a misguided effort to be funny.  

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 I saw it right after it came out because my mom wanted to see it.  I did not like it at all.  It was definitely a dark comedy, but historically, fairly inaccurate.  Olivia Coleman does a fantastic job though, as do Emma Stone and Rachel Weisz.  But frankly, I was bored.