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Re: 🎬 TCM - The Heiress 👍🏾

I’ve set this to record.  Thanks, @Mz iMac.

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Re: 🎬 TCM - The Heiress 👍🏾

@Gracies Mom, I think Catherine Sloper made the right decision in the end. I do wish Catherine had forgiven her father though and been with him when he died. Great cast. 

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Re: 🎬 TCM - The Heiress 👍🏾

I won't watch it this time since it's only been about three months since I've seen it.  It's one of my favorite movies.  As another poster said...that ending is great.  I could watch that ending on it's own.   Boy did she play him for the cad he was, lol.  He made her what she was.

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Re: 🎬 TMC - The Heiress 👍🏾

[ Edited ]

Love this movie. I've seen it at least 10 times. Boy did I hate that father. He got what he had coming. So did Morris. The ending was perfect.

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Re: 🎬 TCM - The Heiress 👍🏾

I just read about it now so I am recording it. Like both of the actors. Thanks for talking about it.

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Re: 🎬 TCM - The Heiress 👍🏾

Having experienced closing the door! Taste of empowerment "sweet"💋

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Re: 🎬 TCM - The Heiress 👍🏾






What was the point in giving him the ruby/pearl buttons if she wasn't going to marry him?


And why was her aunt always trying to get them together when she knew he only wanted to marry her for her money?

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Registered: ‎07-26-2014

Re: 🎬 TCM - The Heiress 👍🏾

@Daisy wrote:






What was the point in giving him the ruby/pearl buttons if she wasn't going to marry him?

Maybe to remind him 2 can play the game but females can play it better. You know the old sayings don't ya????

"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned"

"Don't get revenge, get even." 

"Revenge is best served cold."



And why was her aunt always trying to get them together when she knew he only wanted to marry her for her money?

Both of her aunts told her father they knew he wanted her money but they also believed  he would have made her "happy."  Reading between the lines as in waking up every morning in the same bed together w/a smile on her face. whistling.gif


"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."
