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TCM On Demand : Barry Lyndon 1975 and Tess [of the D'Urbervilles] 1979

Two Captivating stories of romance and adventure set in the 18th England and Europe (Barry Lyndon) and 19th century Wessex Co.  (Tess)


The cinematography for each film is stunning, especially Barry Lyndon. Each frame composed like a painting.  Each film is over 3  hrs, but time is taken to build the characters created by Wm Makepeace Thackeray (Barry Lyndon)  and Thomas Hardy (Tess)


I had passed on Barry Lyndon many times before deciding to see it; it is well worth the  3 plus hours, visually stunning with so much detail and Ryan O'Neal is wonderful as an Irish rogue who shrewdly plays the game in order to rise to the top of 18th c. aristocracy. Marisa Berenson plays his delicate,  wealthy love interest.


Tess I have not seen for years; the last time I had it on VCR on loan from a Library perhaps 10 years ago. Was pleased to see it on TCM the past few days. Tess is a sad sweet tale of a fiesty but shy, beautiful and hardworking peasant girl, Nastassia Kinski,  torn by two men, the opportunistic Alec (Leigh Lawson) and the highly principled Angel (Peter Firth)

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Registered: ‎07-26-2014

Re: TCM On Demand : Barry Lyndon 1975 and Tess [of the D'Urbervilles] 1979

I was shocked to discover movies on TMC On Demand that are not shown on the "channel" tv.

"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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Re: TCM On Demand : Barry Lyndon 1975 and Tess [of the D'Urbervilles] 1979

Loved Barry Lyndon scenery too!!!  Went to see it at the theatre so I could enjoy the big screen effect.  Just gorgeous!  LM