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TCM Movies today, Thursday 4/25

Just an FYI


Stage Door - is on today at Noon Pacific Time.  I've always enjoyed this movie with Katherine Hepburn and Ginger Rogers.


Fifth Avenue Girl - is on at 1:45pm Pacific Time.  Ginger Rogers is in this one also.  I've never seen it so may watch it.


Woman of the Year - is on at 5:00pm Pacific Time.  Love Hepburn and Tracy.





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Re: TCM Movies today, Thursday 4/25

@JudyL ,  a fun combo of films!   "Stage Door" is so entertaining, with all those young women wise-cracking and striving for careers, and the serious undertone that is a reminder that not all make it in "the biz".  Love Ginger Rogers, getting to be sardonic and funny in this. 

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Re: TCM Movies today, Thursday 4/25

I just checked TCM for future movies to DVR,  The three mentioned are entertaining and I love Tracy and Hepburn's movies especially Desk Set.  It sounds like a fun afternoon to sit back and enjoy some oldies but goodies.

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Re: TCM Movies today, Thursday 4/25

My son took me to see Stage Door on the big screen. I think it was Mother's Day.


It was nice to see all the well known "stars" on the big screen. I had read that Ann Miller was 14 years old when she made that movie. So I paid particular attention to her part.

But nice to see Eve Arden, Lucille Ball and Ann Miller in addition to Katherine Hepburn and Ginger Rogers on the big screen.

I had seen "Fifth Avenue Girl Before" and "Primrose Path". But watched them again. Since there were 3 Ginger Rogers movies on yesterday, I looked it up and Ginger Rogers died April 25, 1995. So I guess it was a little tribute to her.

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Re: TCM Movies today, Thursday 4/25

It's true that Ann Miller was only 14 when Stage Door was filmed!


Looking for work to support herself and her mother,  she frequently gave an older age.


In fact, when she signed her contract with RKO Studios they thought she was 18.