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Susan Hayward "I Want to Live" Friday TCM Friday 3:45 p.m. Eastern

3:45 p.m. Eastern--  "I Want to Live!"--   TCM continues to bubble up the "suds-fest" as Oscar month rolls along!


This is an interesting look at the criminal mind, with the sad case of con woman and prostitute Barbara Graham, hoping not to get the death penalty.  What can redeem this type of material is the performer, and Susan Hayward is that performer.  She has the kind of vitality that pops right through the screen and grabs you, where it hurts.


Speaking of vitality, then there's:


6:00 p.m. Eastern--  "Butterfield 8"--   Elizabeth Taylor is tormented, beautiful, wears chic clothes, disappoints her ever-hopeful mother, and has many, many 'gentlemen callers'.   But one of them (Laurence Harvey) finds she is not a throwaway item, she is a force to be reckoned with, and, although star-crossed, they fall intensely in love....   Very palpable chemistry between these two, I must say!




8:00 p.m. Eastern--  "Suspicion"--   More tempestuous romance, courtesy of Hitchcock.

Gently bred Joah Fontaine loves Cary Grant, but can't help but wonder about his intentions, even after they are married.  Nobody does "ambiguity" better than Cary Grant, in that maddeningly tantalizing way.....   Love the almost "fluorescent" glass of milk he carries upstairs to his beloved, ha.



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Re: Susan Hayward "I Want to Live" Friday TCM Friday 3:45 p.m. Eastern

I have always loved that movie, I need to get that on DVD so I can watch it whenever I like.

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Re: Susan Hayward "I Want to Live" Friday TCM Friday 3:45 p.m. Eastern


A marathon of movie classics!

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Re: Susan Hayward "I Want to Live" Friday TCM Friday 3:45 p.m. Eastern

That's a group of fantastic winners in the movie industry!  I have seen them all a few times and they are worth seeing without a doubt.  However, The one which stands out is Susan Hayward's I Want to Live.  


My late mother enjoyed the movies as we all do but the only movie she ever raved about was I Want To Live.  She felt that movie was the best she had seen and whenever it is on, I think of my mother and how she loved Susan Hayward's performance.  I'll Cry Tomorrow was another favorite and I enjoy With A Song in My Heart, some of Susan's best.  


Susan Hayward, another legend of the movie world, passed too young but she left her mark as a talented impressive actress and if my mom were here she would smile and agree !!

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Re: Susan Hayward "I Want to Live" Friday TCM Friday 3:45 p.m. Eastern

[ Edited ]

Love this movie and love Susan Hayward.

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Re: Susan Hayward "I Want to Live" Friday TCM Friday 3:45 p.m. Eastern

@Oznell - Thanks for the notice!  I will DVR. I've said before that Susan Hayward was one of my mom's favorites, and I watched a lot of her movies with my mom when I was young. I remember this one. I haven't seen it since then! I don't remember a lot about whom she was portraying, but that ending - when 


she was blindfolded and the bag dropped down - wow (IIRC) powerful!



that has stuck with me all of these years! 



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Re: Susan Hayward "I Want to Live" Friday TCM Friday 3:45 p.m. Eastern

Gang, I'm always struck by how people react to Susan Hayward-- she had a force-of- nature quality, and an authenticity, that endears her to her audience, and you've confirmed that for me...


I wish TCM would show the rarely-seen movie where she is a former doctor, accused of some kind of wrongdoing, who is nevertheless hired by hunky Peter Finch to be a companion and caregiver to his emotionally fragile wife.   You can just imagine all the complications that ensue!


Just looked it up.  It's called, weirdly, "I Thank a Fool".   But be on the lookout-- despite the title, it's really good! 

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Re: Susan Hayward "I Want to Live" Friday TCM Friday 3:45 p.m. Eastern

JOHNNY BELINDA is on!! I saw that movie only once, years ago, and thought it was one of the best movies I had ever seen at the time. Today's lineup is spectacular.

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Re: Susan Hayward "I Want to Live" Friday TCM Friday 3:45 p.m. Eastern



I taped them all.  I was delighted to see Johnny Belinda---saw it so long ago and thought it was great.


Love Susan Hayward---don't think she ever made a bad mivie.


Thanks ladies.


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Re: Susan Hayward "I Want to Live" Friday TCM Friday 3:45 p.m. Eastern

I love Susan Hayward movies!!! Thanks.