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Sunday 8/25/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Yesterday saw the POV comp get played after Zingbot's arrival. Zingbot was overly cruel to some houseguests and far too kind to others. He said Nicole was a boring loser with no friends. (In reality she's had more real friends in the BB house than most. Kemi, Jess, Ovi, Cliff, Nick, David were all friends of hers in the house.) Jessica was called a snoozefest. (I would have like, been like, much like, harder like, on like, her like aspirations like, to be like, a like public, like speaker, like.) Jackson's was should I call you Jackson or Michie or what you really are, a pompous douchebag. He got on Tommy for overusing the word amazing. He got on Nick for his hair. (Not dry humping anyone and anything in the house? Nick wishes they'd give him a blow-up doll to use.) Cliff for his body size. Christie for her lip smacking when eating. (Not her manifesting and the universe nonsense?) He called Holly an old buzzard. (Really?) Zingbot really needs a new writer.


The POV comp was apparently the one with the slanted ramp and the ledge you control with the two pull ropes to guide balls past obstacles and into holes. I don't know how many balls they had to get in place, but Jackson was shocked to hear that Christie still had sixteen left. Apparently she was really bad at it. Jackson went for the hardest targets first while Nick started on the easier ones and it paid off for Jackson as he won and Nick struggled at the end getting the harder balls in place. 


More pie throwing then took place as the punishment for our three last place HOH comp finishers and Nicole became determined to hit Jackson with another pie. It didn't go so well for her as he expertly dodged multiple attempts and often ended up with the pie going back at Nicole instead of Jackson. Finally, after lying in wait by the stairs, she managed to get him. They had a lot of fun with that.


We finally learned why Nick put up Christie. He thought he had Tommy's vote and would stay. Tommy told him last night he couldn't vote Christie out, so now Nick is begging Jackson to use the POV on Christie and vowing his undying loyalty to Jackson and Holly. Holly and Jackson seem unwilling to make that move however and I'm not sure it would help Nick anyway. About the only person Nick could put up to replace Christie (his Prankster nominee) would be Jessica and the votes to evict Jessica over him just aren't there. With Jackson winning hte POV his chance to get Jackson on the block are gone. He truly stands a better chance against Christie than Jess, but his odds aren't great no matter what.


Today should be a quiet day in the house. They'll enjoy the fresh air and sunshine of the yard now that it's open again, knowing they'll lose it again n a few more days. nick will cmapaign like mad for Jackson to use the POV on Christie so he can put up someone he feels he has a better shot at beating for votes, but there really isn't anyone. Tommy flat out telling Nick he doesn't have his vote to stay really hit Nick hard. He felt for sure he had Tommy's vote over Christie.


Cliff and Nicole look very safe for a while as Jackson and Holly have decided they're better off with a final four of themselves and Cliff and Nicole, and Tommy and Christie also feel like Cliff and Nicole are the better final four option for them. Cliff and Nicole are pretty safe now as long as Jessica doesn't win HOH and they're not even targets for her. As long as they don't win HOH for the next few weeks and have to put up one of their final four partners, they should cruise through to the final four. It's a good spot for them to be in.

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Re: Sunday 8/25/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I almost forgot, we have a show tonight! On tonight's show we may see more of what led to the flip and Christie staying. We'll see the three pranksters pieing themselves and others. We'll see Nick learning he's America's Prankster. And we'll see whatever system production came up with to ensure both HOH's didn't nominate the same person. Then we'll see the nominations. We may even get a first glimpse inside the jury house as Analyse joins Jack and Kat. Jack is probably wondering what's going on as his allies keep showing up at the jury house. This is not how he planned it all out way back in week one when he and Jackson would alternate winning HOH's and win easily.

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Re: Sunday 8/25/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I say this every year.  Please show more of the jury house!  Hope we see it tonight.

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Re: Sunday 8/25/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@sabra wrote:

I say this every year.  Please show more of the jury house!  Hope we see it tonight.

I think there's a good chance we'll see the jury house tonight. The HOH was shown live on Thursday. The prankster stuff is good for one show segment. There's time for some jury house footage.

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Re: Sunday 8/25/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

And it's show time! We open with the typical recap and opening. The show starts with Julie saying goodnight America. Then we get Jackson explaining keeping Christie. Then Holly being worried about Prank Week. Nick prays that it'll be good for him. Chrisie's very happy to still be in the game. She's sorry Analyse is gone, but happy she's safe. Now we see Cliff guiding her and putting her on the right track. (Finally! They ignored that last week.) Now we see Christie using Cliff's advice as Christie offers a deal with Jackson and Holly. Jackson's pretty happy with the deal. Now we see Cliff and Christie talking about protecting Nicole. Now we see Cliff, Nicole, Holly and Jackson making their deal. Nicole is pretty happy with this deal also. Back to present day now. Christie feels she's good with Holly and Jackson. Now Cliff and Nicole are discussing their punishments and the pranks. Holly is also nervous about the pranks. Holly wants Nick out. Time for the first break.

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Re: Sunday 8/25/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

And we're back. Nicole, Cliff and Jessica now learn their punishment. We see the first of many pies in the face. Jackson jokes thàt Cliff and Jackson should be pawns this week. Uh, no. Cliff's pretty sure Jackson and Holly are honoring the four person deal. Christie promises to be friendly to Holly and Jackson. Holly suggests using Christie as a pawn. Christie's not thrilled about being a pawn. Holly's not surprised Christie is nervous about being a pawn. Jackson's not thrilled with Christie. Holly considers backdooring Nick. Time for another break.

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!
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Re: Sunday 8/25/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

We're back. They're showing Jackson's watermelon fetish. (I wonder how he survives in the winter?) Now BB is calling everyone to go to the bathroom. Now the voice moves them to the living room where they learn about America's Prankster. They learn that Holly will only nominate one person and the prankster will name another. Holly's annoyed. (But it works out well for her.) Time for another break.

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Re: Sunday 8/25/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

And we're back. Holly now tells Christie she's not putting her up as a pawn and will only nominate Nick. They assume that if Nick is the Prankster he'd put up Jackson. Nick now talks to Holly and offers to use the POV to save Jackson with the POV if she doesn't put Nick up. Holly doesn't believe Nick. Time for another break.

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!
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Re: Sunday 8/25/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

And we're back again. Nick points out how obnoxious an eater Christie ie. Time to learn who's America's Prankster. It's Nick! He's very happy. Nick has a lot to think about. Nick thinks he's diverting everyone's attention so no one suspects it's him. (He's not good at hiding it. Nicole figures it out. Pretty much everyone did.) Jackson asks if he was America's Prankster should he put up himself. Holly says no. Now Holly and Jackson debate between Nick and Christie going. Time for another break.

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!
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Re: Sunday 8/25/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Time for the nomination ceremony. Holly turns her key and Nick is nominated. America's Prankster nominates Christie. They used a slot machine type roll featuring the houseguest's images that had to be redone several times due to technical glitches. Nick thinks being up against Christie gives him the best chance to stay. z(He thought he had Tommy's vote at the time.) And that's it for tonight.

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!