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Re: Sunday 8/09/2015: Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Hi everyone....again.


Gardenman, I understand Dad has Dementia as well.  I get only a minute or two to myself or it seems like that anyway.  He is so changed and also has cancer so it is day by day by day.  We are all in some sort of is a sad one really is.  Glad to see that you keep your humor.  Believe me it helps.  You seem like a very devoted son and you must be a wonderful friend in real life.



Love to all and thanks for letting my hijack the thread for a second!


Lots of love to Suzie Q .....aka from Alabama....I did get confused on my Suzies but I love everyone and their input....its a fun diversion from Real Life!!!!  xo


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Re: Sunday 8/09/2015: Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I'm watching John and thinking that he doesn't have very nice teeth for a dentist. I think I'd be like Meg on that slip n slide. I'd never be able to stay standing.
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Re: Sunday 8/09/2015: Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I fall standing still!  I'd have cracked my head walking over to it, been disqualified, had to call the medics........

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Re: Sunday 8/09/2015: Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Thanks Gardenman and everyone for all the fun and informative posts today. Lots of good game as well as personal stuff on the houseguests.


Not so fun is hearing about what G'man is going through with his mom. Maybe not fun but really nice that we can share in this really hard time. It's too bad we don't all live close because I bet some of us would volunteer to help with Gardenmom. What a great son you are. I had the opportunity to have my mom live with me for a little over a year before she passed away. It was hard but those are times I will always cherish. Dementia is a whole other situation though and you're doing a great thing. It's nice that you share this personal part of your life with us. 


Also a shout out to Mayfair who is going through a hard time with her dad. What a lot of very cool people there are here. Hugs to you. Heart



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Re: Sunday 8/09/2015: Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

gardenman, I don't read these posts much.  Just come on say bla bla and leave.  I did see a post where your dear mom is having problems with dimentia.


I won't bla bla about my families history with similar except to say I understand how diffiicult it can be for family members.  If you ever want to just vent out of frustration (that you can't make things better, anything) please feel free to come on here with us.


Like others have said many of us have had and are having difficulties in their lives, so everyone would understand anything you said.  


The good thing about our group is that most of us are a little older and know that life is difficult for everyone in a family.


Just know we all care about each other and I hope when others say their prayer they mention gardenman and his family (because I don't want GOD saying, "What's that dumb annabelle talking about....something about a gardenman".  Love you.

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Re: Sunday 8/09/2015: Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Mayfair, hugs.  Gardenman, you amaze.   Wow what a fantastic person, son and guy you are.  Talented too, and love how you never lose your sense of humor.

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Re: Sunday 8/09/2015: Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I'm one of those people who believes that life/God puts you where you are for a reason. I'm lucky in that I'm in a position where I can care for her, so that's good. 


Meanwhile, back to Big Brother, I was disappointed they didn't show Vanessa trying to cheat during the HOH comp on the show. Oh well. At least Becky's family finally got a chance to see her on the show. She's been largely invisible prior to this week. Meg should get a bit of airtime on Wednesday's show during the POV comp, so viewers will get to see more of some rarely seen houseguests this week.

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Re: Sunday 8/09/2015: Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I thought it was a good show. I didn't see the full clay john vanessa James dust up before. If I was James I would of thought that clay wanted to hit me.  Clay was pretty aggressive with Audrey and DaVonne too.  (To me more than he needed to be).  It makes me wonder if his temper ever caused him any real trouble.


then there is Vanessa thinking no one is as smart as she is but I just read that's a side effect of that drug she is taking thinking you are smarter than you actually are.


God bless you Gardenman for all you do for your mother.


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Re: Sunday 8/09/2015: Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Tonight's show was by far my favorite so far this season.  The comp was fun and I loved James' comments, Austin constantly falling, Steve being Steve, Meg comforting Shelli and then making her comment n the DR.  But my favorite part was the look on Vanessa's face when Becky told her "no deals, no alliances".  It was priceless.  I've always heard you have to watch out for the quiet ones and Becky showed up tonight.  Good for her.


Sometimes I find little things that just crack me up that other people might not find funny.  During BBAD they ask the latest evictee questions during the commerials.  Last night they asked Clay "do you realize you mumble?" to which he replied yes and explained himself.  Then the owl popped up and said "hope you get the help you need".  For some reason I just cracked up.

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Re: Sunday 8/09/2015: Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

But at least he was nice to look at.  I'd like to see Vanessa the snake leave and then Mr. Tattoo (Austin) leave.


Can you imagine all of the hair he leaves around that place?  Ugh!  I thought he was gross from day one.