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Stevie Wonder Tribute . . . wonderful show!

That was worth staying up late for. Everyone sang beautifully . . . I can't pick my favorite. I have always loved Stevie and his songs, he is definitely a living legend. I hope there will be a CD or DVD of it coming out.

He ended the show with a medley of his songs and it probably could have gone on for another hour, he has written so many.

Two of my girls went together to one of his concerts a couple of years ago and they said when he appeared on the stage there was an "aura" about him they've never felt before at a concert.

Formerly Ford1224
We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Elie Wiesel 1986
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Re: Stevie Wonder Tribute . . . wonderful show!

I agree with you it was well worth it. I particularly enjoyed Annie Lennox singing My Cherie Amour, though I did think all the performances were fabulous.

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Re: Stevie Wonder Tribute . . . wonderful show!

I thought it was fabulous, I especially loved the red haired guy, someone Sheeran, I think-beautiful voice! And also the guy that was with Pharrell Williams had a great voice as well.....Oh and Lady Gaga!!!!!

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Re: Stevie Wonder Tribute . . . wonderful show!

That tiny little Ariana Grande has got a fabulous voice-just beautiful she sang with babyface!

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Posts: 12,997
Registered: ‎03-25-2012

Re: Stevie Wonder Tribute . . . wonderful show!

I agree, Ariana is gorgeous and has a bangin' voice. I also love Babyface and have always wondered why he's not a bigger star. Jennifer Hudson performed one of my favorite songs of Stevie's and dammed if I can remember the name of it. But I will say, both she and Ariana shot Beyoncé out of the water.

I have so much respect for Jennifer. When she was on Idol all Simon did was trash her, then she lost her entire family, and has emerged as one our best young talents. That is one strong young woman.

And Stevie . . . he's a treasure.

Formerly Ford1224
We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Elie Wiesel 1986
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Re: Stevie Wonder Tribute . . . wonderful show!

On 2/17/2015 Ford1224 said:

That was worth staying up late for. Everyone sang beautifully . . . I can't pick my favorite. I have always loved Stevie and his songs, he is definitely a living legend. I hope there will be a CD or DVD of it coming out.

He ended the show with a medley of his songs and it probably could have gone on for another hour, he has written so many.

Two of my girls went together to one of his concerts a couple of years ago and they said when he appeared on the stage there was an "aura" about him they've never felt before at a concert.

I'm not sure but I think you can buy at least some of the songs on ITUNES.