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Re: Spring Baking Championship Finale - spoiler

@Lisa now in AZ   Lorraine and Nancy were funny!


I saw an episode of Farmhouse Rules with Lorraine and Nancy together.


"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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Re: Spring Baking Championship Finale - spoiler

@ThinkingOutLoud wrote:

@Cakers3 wrote:

@ThinkingOutLoud wrote:

Does anyone know how many ribbons each of the last 4 had? I would think that would've been a factor in who won.

@ThinkingOutLoud   It shouldn't matter about those ridiculous ribbons.  This isn't as though they were winning at a spelling bee.


The final product determines the winner, regardless of how good the bakers were during the whole season.


Most bakers have good days and sometimes a not so good day and in the end the judges always choose the winner based on that one last bake.


My point is that if Jalessa never got any ribbons, to me that shows she wasn't the best baker.

@ThinkingOutLoud   I see your point but there have been bakers who have never won a challenge and still ended up in the finals in the past before these ribbons were ever used.

"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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Re: Spring Baking Championship Finale - spoiler

[ Edited ]

@Alter Ego 


The judges seemed to always be super critical of Romy...even his half heart design was criticized and I liked his explanation it was supposed to be a family recipe from the heart and his heart was broken because his family was back in France...


I dont blame him for walking out---his efforts seemed to be overly scrutinized and criticized and under appreciated compared to the other contestants....


And the winner Jaleesa, had even left something out of her recipe by accident so her cake was one note and it won the championship?!?!?!?!?  Now I will say her design did look like embroidery so she did a good job and nailed that....but I think the winner should be based on overall performance not just one task....


Carolyn was reallly consistent and I liked her overall body of work, but I thought her design choice on her wedding cake was odd---just those fronds and and pieces of gold on the bottom layer instead of perhaps a floral water color looking design that most china has....





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Re: Spring Baking Championship Finale - spoiler

Far as I'm concerned, the show was rigged to have Jaleesa win.  No question in my mind about it.


I have never been a fan of Molly.  She needs to stick to her own cooking show which I do sometimes enjoy watching.

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Re: Spring Baking Championship Finale - spoiler

@kindred cats totally agree, this had to be rigged no other waiting to explain. Jalisa  should have gone home several times during the season, The judges did seem to criticize Rome a lot during the season as well. Unddeserved. I don't blame him one bit for walking off, can you imagine the possibly losing a challenge of making cookies or brownies with sprinkles would be outrageous. Even for Dennis, that would be a demeaning way to leave the show after you have put your heart on a plate the entire time.