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I agree about Cameron accepting the 'coffee' invitation.  I guess the producers are making Cameron be the 'mean girl' this season, seems that way.  It just seemed out of character for her to decline meeting her.  It's 'poor Kathryn' season, I believe.


I just think Kathryn is immature and very emotional.  Some people are more controlled than others, she isn't one of them.


I also agree about the roller party.  That Lanon (is that her name) is so ditzy it's crazy!  Her Daddy sure knows his daughter!  Did anyone see her trying to explain her concept to a possible (someone she wants to invest in whatever it is, I don't think she knows).  


It seems like this season the women are all mean girls and some of the guys are nice guys.  That Whitney is a real dud.  Who would want him anyway?  I think he can't decide which team he wants to play for.


How about his mommie saying she didn't want that old southern guy (forget his name) ever to step foot in her house again?  I thought they were long time friends?  What?  Then for some reason because she made her unhappy, she has black-balled him from her house?  Someone needs to tell the poor guy so he can plan when he wants to jump off of the bridge.   Ha!


I would have been embarrassed to have admitted (if I was such a big party thrower) that I'd miscounted the number of pink things for the pool.  I guess that means she does it all herself (no party planner).


Am I the only one who thinks "mommie" has a major drinking problem?  She constantly talks about drinking and has one in her hand.

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@ladyroxanne wrote:



it will be interesting to see how her interview goes for her mag, but Hustle?  that's awfully close to Hustler magazine isn't it and wasn't that worse than Playboy?  poor choice of a name i think.

Oh dear, NO!! I mean, she needs to have some "hustle" in the sense that she needs to work to get this magazine off the ground, rather than expecting it to just all of a sudden be a up and functioning magazine that's providing her with a viable income. I didn't mean the magazine was called "Hustle". Sorry about that! After reading my comment, I could see how you would've gone there. LOL!

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looks like kathryn is trying to get her groove back at 24........a bikini body and a new man.....

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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@sunshine45 wrote:

looks like kathryn is trying to get her groove back at 24........a bikini body and a new man.....


@sunshine45  I agree about the show being boring without Karhryn, and for the first year, I thought it was boring so didn't watch it, but when she entered the picture, everyone livened up, guess they would have to or be completely washed out, lol.

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thanks for the post sunshine.  kathryn looks fantastic and very happy.  i hope she stays that way.

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Re: Southern Charm

[ Edited ]

I've always thought Kathryn was a tramp just trying to trap somebody/anybody to become part of the group and set herself up with someone with money. I wouldn't be able to show my face around these people having slept with half the guys.....Thomas was too stupid for a manipulator like her.....I've always felt she got pregnant the first time to trap him into marriage and I'm convinced she did it the second time......she's shameless and so is he, so they both need to go off somewhere together and try not to ruin their children's lives.

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I'd like to know how Kathryn who has no job can afford a house in Mount Pleasant?  That place is not cheap!

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@Poppet1 wrote:

I'd like to know how Kathryn who has no job can afford a house in Mount Pleasant?  That place is not cheap!

1.  Family Money (Daddy)/Trust Fund

2.  She gets paid by the production company for doing the show and I bet the production company helps pay or pays for the house.

3.  T Rav's child support (which I understand is very inconsistant).  

Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, but Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.
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Well blame Kathryn all you want but Thomas could have used protection or kept it zipped. This is the only way this creep can have kids one else wants him. He disgusts me.

But shame on Kathryn for doing it a second time with that scuzzball!

 I think Cameron is so afraid of having a child and has misled her husband greatly that she can't be around Kathryn...afraid it might rub off or something stupid. She is beyond immature.


Landon is conniving in her own way and it's coming back to bite her.

I am up to here with her Valley Girl talk. Thank yoooouu! Ugh.

She in her own way is trying to land one of those rich guys (like she resents Kathryn for) and is failing miserably.