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Second thoughts about America's Got Talent

Originally I was one hundred percent for Sal to win.  Well the other night I got on You Tube and played all of Brian Justin Crum's songs and what can I say.  That man is so talented he certainly deserves to either win or come in second.


Here is how I see the difference between the two.  Sal is an entertainer, great singing voice, great moves, throws in a joke or two, just about has it all.


Brian on the other hand is an entertainer, however, he doesn't have the personality like Sal, but oh how he can sing.   He draws you in, mesmerizes you and there is no one else in the room except you and him.  He makes you feel every word of  his song.


Now, here is the catch.  Sal makes you feel good, happy.  Brian makes you feel, which isn't always happy or good but you don't want the song to end, he has you in the palm of his hand.  Brian is a professional, he has done Broadway and traveled with Queen.  I hope the two of them are the last ones standing and the one who comes in second gets a contract. 


And as for the young girl Grace, I don't get it.  I know she has talent but she isn't ready for a career, much too young.

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Re: Second thoughts about America's Got Talent

[ Edited ]

I love both Sal and Brian too.  Two totally different styles.  Not sure who I want to win.  LOL.  Either of them will do it for me.


As for Grace, don't get me started.  Don't know how she got to the finals.  Her voice is thin and reedy and I can't understand what she's singing.  I think becuase she's so young and writes her own songs, they are gushing over her. 

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Re: Second thoughts about America's Got Talent

I thought it was just me.  I could not get the Grace thing.  Maybe in a few years she might come back and be okay but not now.   I just love Sal's personality so much.  I just want to give him a big hug.  As for Brian he is awesome.  With his looks and voice I don't know how he has not made it big already.

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Re: Second thoughts about America's Got Talent

@Lindsays Grandma wrote:

Originally I was one hundred percent for Sal to win.  Well the other night I got on You Tube and played all of Brian Justin Crum's songs and what can I say.  That man is so talented he certainly deserves to either win or come in second.


Here is how I see the difference between the two.  Sal is an entertainer, great singing voice, great moves, throws in a joke or two, just about has it all.


Brian on the other hand is an entertainer, however, he doesn't have the personality like Sal, but oh how he can sing.   He draws you in, mesmerizes you and there is no one else in the room except you and him.  He makes you feel every word of  his song.


Now, here is the catch.  Sal makes you feel good, happy.  Brian makes you feel, which isn't always happy or good but you don't want the song to end, he has you in the palm of his hand.  Brian is a professional, he has done Broadway and traveled with Queen.  I hope the two of them are the last ones standing and the one who comes in second gets a contract. 


And as for the young girl Grace, I don't get it.  I know she has talent but she isn't ready for a career, much too young.

@Lindsays Grandma


I did not realize that Brian has been on Broadway and has traveled with Queen.  Well, he is really already on his way, isn't he?  I agree with you about how terribly talented he is and he just goes through me with his voice and the feeling that he projects.  I loved his song choices and the sets that they put together for him.  


However, Sal, is awesome!  I love his whole persona.  He is kind of old world.  Which I love!  He is a young man with an old soul.  I think we need more of this in the world today.  I adore him.  


Now that we are comparing the 2 -- since Brian is already experiencing success and this exposure on AGT will catapault him even more -- whether he wins or loses --- I have to say that my vote is for Sal!!!!!! 


I must say that I do feel that Grace is an extremely talented young lady.  Her voice is very unusal and this makes her stand out.  And the fact that she writes her own songs and has the poise and confidence to do so and perform the way she does at such a young age is to me, remarkable.  No, she should not win this competition in my opinion, but she will no doubt grow and learn from this experience and be very successful in the years to come.

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Re: Second thoughts about America's Got Talent

I too love  Brian and he has my vote for winning AGT. I also don't understand the love affair the judges and the American viewers have with Grace. I don't think her voice is very good and don't like the songs she writes. I feel she has taken up a spot in the finals that someone else was more deserving of. 

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Re: Second thoughts about America's Got Talent

What I don't like about this show is that not everyone is an "amateur". The same goes for The Voice. There are contestants who've had record deals, been on Broadway, etc. I would like it better if the contestants were unknown and looking for their first big break.


For example, Laura Breton (opera singer) won Romania's Got Talent last year. Viktor Kee (juggler) has performed with several versions of Cirque du Soleil. Brian Crum (singer) has been on Broadway.


I know they are trying to further their careers and I can't fault them for that. I just wish there was a separate show for amateurs and "sort of already been discovered" talent. Is that too much to ask?Woman LOL

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Re: Second thoughts about America's Got Talent

@lainey1 I did not know about the what sounds like at least semi pros that you mentioned. I thought it was supposed to be amateurs. Guess I was wrong. 


Oh well I enjoy it for the most part. I do not care for as many 'danger' acts as they have. The judges could just record O-M-G with so many of these type of acts. Smiley Happy


I think the popularity of the young singer Grace is because she is much like Taylor Swift when she started out. IMO alright  but I do not want to listen as much as she has been on.


A favorite of mine is Lori Hernadez (sp?) . I don't think she will win , but if she chooses to pursue a career in comedy I believe she could succeed down the road . As Howie has pointed out her timing is wonderful.

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Re: Second thoughts about America's Got Talent

I was not aware of Brian's success.  I LOVE Sal and he makes me smile and happy when he performs.  He will continue to get my vote.  Not a fan of Grace and the guy with the tape on his mouth, no no no.  I do like Linkin Bridge, never expected that type of music from that group.  They have amazing vocals and hope they go far as role models and inspiration for what hard work can atain.

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Re: Second thoughts about America's Got Talent

I'm just hoping Tape Face doesn't win!!  I don't think he is at all funny.  He's a New Zealand performer.  I don't get Grace at all and can't understand her lyrics. I agree, many of the finalists are not amateurs.

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Re: Second thoughts about America's Got Talent

While I agree there are some good singers on this show, I wish they would keep singing out of the competition.  There are shows such as the Voice if they want to go on that.


Personally, I'm hoping for anyone other than a singer to win and that includes Tape Face which I don't get at all.


Sophie Dossie (sp?), Viktor, the Clairvoyants are all very good IMO.


DH and I are fans of Matt Franco who won last year; now that's a show I would pay to see.