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Re: Saturday 8/24/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

According to BB Daily and the Zings, Holly was called an old buzzard, sounds like Cliff got zinged for his body (he didn't care), and Christie got zinged for her sloppy eating and how she chews her food.  Jackson got called a pompous douchebag.  Sounds like Nicole got called a boring loser with no friends which I think is very cruel. Maybe? Jess got called a snooze fest.  Didn't see anything on Nick or Tommy yet.


I'm not 100% on these but it's what I'm reading on BB Daily.

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Registered: ‎03-19-2010

Re: Saturday 8/24/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I lost CBS on my Dish so I cannot watch BB anymore.  I was upset because I wanted to see Christie go home but now I really don't care that much.  It looks like she will be there until the end.  She seems to be able to manipulate and always gets her way.