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I don't know if you want me to do a weekly thread, but I didn't have time to look for the original thread this morning . . . .


Last night, I felt like I was watching SURVIVOR--DUMB AND DUMBER.  I still don't know all the names yet--more like this guy that guy that girl the other girl.  I barely know the tribe names except red, yellow, blue.


I am enjoying the 90 minute episodes though because I feel like you get to see more of the tribe dynamics that way.  I'm glad they had a new puzzle to solve though. I thought it was kind of cheating to create a puzzle on a 3 D printer to solve  at home.  But Mr. Puzzle Guy on the yellow team--what.  I'm glad he was happy about what he decided with the Journey to the Other Island phase (which he did not complete).  And then the big immunity challenge--I thought Lulu was going to come back and at least take 2nd, but Mr. Puzzle Guy tanked.  I don't think that team even put 2 pieces together.  And does anyone else feel like Lulu got all the weak players?  Maybe they are gone now and the remainder of the team will do okay.  And we'll see how long Emily's transformation lasts.


Was not surprised at who went home last night.

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Re: SURVIVOR week of October 4

Puzzle guy needed to redeem himself after his performance on day one. He had an opportunity, a second chance, but  outdid himself at  puzzle failure. Emily, however, is making progress with her second chance

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Re: SURVIVOR week of October 4

Hi.  I can't keep it all straight yet.  So many moving parts and people.  So happy you are doing a new one @DrKelli each week.  I too like the 90 minute episodes and plan to watch my recorded 2nd episode again to catch what I missed watching the first time.  May have more to say after I do.  

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Re: SURVIVOR week of October 4

The yellow/Lulu tribe is a really bad mix. Yikes! They're going to be gone very, very quickly. I'm not sure we've ever seen such a bad mix of players. They just can't do anything right.

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Re: SURVIVOR week of October 4

I've already gave up on survivor this season. Most of the players are annoying and whiney. 

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Re: SURVIVOR week of October 4

Survivor seems to always have one initial really kwappy team. 

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Re: SURVIVOR week of October 4

Oh, I forgot one very important thing--when that girl fell off the balance beam and landed on her hoo hoo.  I doubled over just watching it!!!  I don't know how she was still walking when she got up on the platform!!!!

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Re: SURVIVOR week of October 4

Maybe if the yellow lulu's had fire and food they'd do better. What I've been wondering, is why they don't improvise and use their glasses to start a fire. Even if it didn't work, still worth a try.

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Re: SURVIVOR week of October 4

I watched episode 2 again and paid more attention than the first time.  The right player went home and hopefully the tribe Lulu can now right itself and Emily can continue her redemption. The first player gone quit and the second voted out was responsible for the lose and was a terrible player.  


Some interesting players on the other two tribes but I need to see more before I find those I want to root for.  

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Re: SURVIVOR week of October 4

@DrKelli wrote:

Oh, I forgot one very important thing--when that girl fell off the balance beam and landed on her hoo hoo.  I doubled over just watching it!!!  I don't know how she was still walking when she got up on the platform!!!!

!!!!!!!  We let out an "OOPH"