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I tape it every week so I can watch it later in the week. 


I was never a Justin Timberlake fan, but he is good at comedy.


I hate to admit I'm getting old ... I like it when I know the host and musical act!Woman LOL

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@Citrine1 wrote:

I've seen Dakota Johnson many times, but didn't realize how pretty she is.  She looked exceptionally pretty last night.!


Screenshot 2024-01-28 at 1.01.23 PM.png

"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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I think the "Please don't destroy" videos are hilarious.  Those guys are very funny.

Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. Margaret Mead
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@Othereeeen wrote:

"Boooeeiiiinnnnnngggg"....the sound the screws make when they pop off the plane....(Boeing)......




@Othereeeen   I always appreciate your humor.

"Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are." BF
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@Mersha   Oh I'm sooo sorry I missed it!  So far, your initial post is all I've read in this thread, but I already know jimmy fallon HAD to be his partner for The Bee Gees skit...they're famous for that!  I'm so mad at myself for falling asleep early, RATS!

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I know who her parents are @Mz iMac , but good looking parents don't always make attractive kids.  Bruce and Demi come to mind.  

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@Puppy Lips , the Please Don't Destroy clip and the Maury Povich-ish clips were excellent I thought.  

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The skit with the Stanley Cups had me laughing as I am training a new coworker who is a alot younger than me. She has 3.   

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I like to watch the reruns on youtube.......mostly weekend update. Didn't really care for this episode.  I think I'm still missing some of the people that recently left SNL