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Registered: ‎09-27-2011
How did Emily know to try to pull up the backup case from the buoy if she really has amnesia? She knew Aiden on the ship, and wanted to go away with him. Yet she didn't recognize Aiden at the hospital? Progressive amnesia or flaw in the storyline?
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Perhaps the writers are suffering from amnesia or terminal laziness, having the temerity to foist that old cliche on the audience. Amnesia, indeed! Really?
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Registered: ‎09-27-2011
On 1/5/2014 keri said: Perhaps the writers are suffering from amnesia or terminal laziness, having the temerity to foist that old cliche on the audience. Amnesia, indeed! Really?
Yea, it's a stretch, isn't it! But I guess that's the only way they could justify turning the tables - now everyone else knows what's going on except Emily! Ok, I'm good with that twist, just not how it got there!
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I think she's faking it....and the reason she acted that way when Aiden came to rescue her is because she wants to stick around for REVENGE.....she has no interest in going away with him and leaving behind all those who need to pay.

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On 1/6/2014 straykatz said:

I think she's faking it....and the reason she acted that way when Aiden came to rescue her is because she wants to stick around for REVENGE.....she has no interest in going away with him and leaving behind all those who need to pay.

This episode was pretty unbelievable and I was hoping she was faking it, but I guess not. If she were faking it, I don't think she would have told Charlotte that her father was David Clarke.

And now we have some mystery woman involved with Aiden. It looked like she was going to do something to Emily's medication when Charlotte and Jack came in.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

I the amnesia was supposed to have been caused by a blow to the head - when she hit the water - causing the swelling in her brain or whatever.

So then how did she remember Aiden in the boat, but not in the hospital?