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Recorded the older movie of H.G. Wells Time After Time

I like this one. Time travel, may have to look up shows with this idea. It's fun. Malcom McDowell is in it and Mary Steenvirgen. (sp on her last name, ?) . I saw the Rod ..... one with him in it. (He was in The Birds). That show was on yesterday too.

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Registered: ‎07-05-2010

Re: Recorded the older movie of H.G. Wells Time After Time

@qualitygal, I like time travel movies & shows, too!  I don't know how many of them you have seen, or if you prefer the older ones rather than the newer ones, but I thought I'd share a few titles with you in case you are a recent fan of the subject, & have NetFlix or another way of renting movies & tv show seasons, so maybe you'll want to look them up?


Here is a link to a list of time travel movies:


List of time travel movies:


I just recently watched '12 Monkeys' for the first time.  I have never seen Brad Pitt in a role like that one before...what a change!  That was wild, lol.


Some are dark, some are cautionary tales, some are fun.  All make a person think, which is what I really like.  Have you ever watched, "Memento"?  That isn't about time travel, but it is the most unique movie I have ever seen in my entire life, and although it is a bit dark, it is intensely interesting *if* you stick with it to the end.  The first 30" make you wonder if you should bother, but the rest of the movie really sucks you in & has you trying to figure things out, which is really amazing since this movie is shown ending to beginning.  That's right, ending to beginning.  But I promise you that you still won't have the mystery figured out, & it will blow your mind & have you thinking about it long after the movie ends!  It is gritty. My dh hated it because he couldn't figure it out, and I loved it for the same reason, lol.  If you can always figure out the ending, why bother?


If you love time travel movies & you haven't seen the old tv series "Quantum Leap," you might enjoy that.  Parallel universe shows are similarly interesting, such as "Sliders" or "Fringe" (what a great show, the first few seasons!)


A link of tv series about time travel:


A tv show that has time travel featured in it often:  "Heroes."  This series was great, too!  They had to cancel during the Great Recession, because it was a very expensive show to create.  It has recently been brought back for a short run, entitled, "Heroes Reboot."  But if you haven't seen it yet, watch it from the beginning of the first series.  It is very intriguing, & has one of the best villians I've ever watched in my entire life.  My dh & I would try to guess where the storyline was going, but were often surprised.  Love it when they pull that off!


But the ultimate best time travel tv series would have to be, IMHO, 'Doctor Who.'  If you haven't watched it & can't understand what all the hoopla is about, but love the subject of time travel, do yourself a favor & start watching the series from its latest incarnation in 2005, I think it was.  It has been on the BBC for over 50 years (!!), & has a huge following for a reason.  You could watch it out of sequence, but it is more fun & rewarding to watch it in order, or too many spoilers will ruin the fun.  But it would take forever to start at the very beginning, so I would recommend starting @ the 2005 entry point, when the show was rebooted.  


What to get past:  aliens are oftentimes part of the story, because this series is also science fiction oriented, being about time travel through time & space...but don't let that sour you on it if you don't like that, because only some episodes have the dorkier aliens, while many story lines are absolutely fascinating & really make one think.  A lot.  I l Love this series, have been a fan since the late '70's, and learned to get past the alien schtick a long time ago, & just enjoy the superb writing & acting.  I think people get confused when they write a few episodes for the kiddies, while most of the stories are quite complicated & for adults.  Even the academy award winning actor John Hurt has played the role of The Doctor, recently!  Excellent program, fascinating stories. 


If you want to just try 1 episode to see if you would want to invest more time in it, I would recommend, "Blink."  You can find it on iTunes, or on Amazon (it is episode #11, rent for $1.99):


This particular episode won't create any spoiliers for you, but you'll enjoy a very interesting story about time travel, among other things!


That should keep you busy for awhile, lol!  I would love to watch all those movies & shows 'new' again.  


I apologize if this is too long of a post, just wanted to share some great show ideas.



"Be as a bird perched on a frail branch that she feels bending beneath her; still she sings away all the same, knowing she has wings." ~Victor Hugo
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Re: Recorded the older movie of H.G. Wells Time After Time

"Time After Time" is an interesting movie. It's a bit ironic that Mary Steenburgen played a similar role in "Back to the Future 3". In that one she was in the past and had to learn to believe someone from the future. The whole idea of time travel has been of interest for years. 

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Posts: 20,505
Registered: ‎10-04-2010

Re: Recorded the older movie of H.G. Wells Time After Time

@Serenity-Now, That was fabulous! I'll share that info w/hubby! Thanks so much!!

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Posts: 874
Registered: ‎07-05-2010

Re: Recorded the older movie of H.G. Wells Time After Time

@qualitygal, you are most welcome Smiley Happy Have hours & days & weeks of fun watching those terrific shows & movies!  

"Be as a bird perched on a frail branch that she feels bending beneath her; still she sings away all the same, knowing she has wings." ~Victor Hugo