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Re: Real Housewives of Orange County New Season 18

@TurnerGal wrote:

@Daisy Sunflower wrote:


I read that Jenn, her ex-husband, and their partners agreed to pay $160,000 to end the lawsuit for unpaid rent for her yoga studio.


She strikes me as someone that always depended on her looks and men to get by.  She blamed her ex husband for he being behind but the divorce has been going on for 4 years.  She let her father pay off her unpaid rent on the house and now she was also not paying rent on the studio. She was living in a fancy house and driving a fancy car.  She was paid some money for RHOOC what was she doing with that money?  As Gina said she was just paying for clothes and glam.  I really don't have any respect for her.  There is also something strange about Ryan's finances.  She said he doesn't work?  On WWHL Andy asked her about his being tied into a big gambling mess in LA she just kind of brushed it off.


At least Gina has husled and worked for her family. When she knew she couldn't afford a lot after her divorce they were living in a small apartment unlike Jen.  It will be interesting to see how it plays out.


I hope Shannon's drinking is under control and she is not lying about it.

@TurnerGal I started off really liking Jen, but this season is showing her true colors.....She has 5 kids! You need to know how to hustle and make money and keep your ife afloat with all of your kids.....She is far too dependent on her mother and father and Ryan as well, who seems very fishy-he doesn't work!!!??? How is he living then?? He has a nice big house, a car, etc.......very strange-he seems like he is into some shady businesses......It will be interesting to see how this all plays out....


Maybe Tamra and Eddie weren't too wrong after all about Ryan.... 

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Re: Real Housewives of Orange County New Season 18



I hope Vicky won't be on. I fast forward through her because she's a loud, obnoxious, rude woman - just like Tamra. 


Shannon won't last on a couple of drinks. No one with any alcohol problem will. She's fooling herself.


Shannon can do better than user John if she gets some serious counseling about her relationship issues - like paying for everything, ignoring bad signs, unable to say no, unable to set higher expectations for a partner, groveling, etc etc.


Alexis needs to tone down her ego. She is a loud mouthed bag of ego and has known Johnny for a month at the time of filming. NO ONE knows someone as well as she claims in a month.


Johnny J is a narcissistic creep. Someone like him will never be true to another.  


Tamra needs to act like an adult and stop screaming. Even better, she should be off the show!



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Re: Real Housewives of Orange County New Season 18

@CalminHeart wrote:



I hope Vicky won't be on. I fast forward through her because she's a loud, obnoxious, rude woman - just like Tamra. 


Shannon won't last on a couple of drinks. No one with any alcohol problem will. She's fooling herself.


Shannon can do better than user John if she gets some serious counseling about her relationship issues - like paying for everything, ignoring bad signs, unable to say no, unable to set higher expectations for a partner, groveling, etc etc.


Alexis needs to tone down her ego. She is a loud mouthed bag of ego and has known Johnny for a month at the time of filming. NO ONE knows someone as well as she claims in a month.


Johnny J is a narcissistic creep. Someone like him will never be true to another.  


Tamra needs to act like an adult and stop screaming. Even better, she should be off the show!



@CalminHeart By the end of this season, it may be Alexis crying over Johnny!!! I agree, so sick of Tamra and her shrill screaming... 

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Re: Real Housewives of Orange County New Season 18

I agree with most of what is being said here. 

I think Alexis is very gullible and as long as Johnny J is telling her what she wants to hear ...she's all in. I'm sure he is telling her how pretty...etc. she is and how in love he is with her.

I would like to see how he acts with Alexis because his act with Shannon  wasn't a good one. He looked like he couldn't wait to get away fro her.

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Re: Real Housewives of Orange County New Season 18

Hen was on WWHL last week and she said that Alexis and John are still together and she thinks they will go the distance. 

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Re: Real Housewives of Orange County New Season 18

Watched last night, and it is very weird that Johnny is taking Alexis to all the same places that he took Shannon. How strange-there must be thousands of different beautiful places in and around Orange County that he can take Alexis to. He is a weird vindictive man..If I were Shannon, I would say to her he is all yours honey!!!


Glad that Gina and Jen squared everything away. I do think that Jen needs to really apologize to Gina and really mean it. She still doesn't seem to get it......She needs a woman empowerment group!!!Sutton was funny as ever, good to see her!!! 

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Re: Real Housewives of Orange County New Season 18

[ Edited ]

Watched Last night in between the Olympics, jeeze Emily how gross, she would rather pee outside in someone bushes rather than going into their home and using a bathroom..That was just plain nasty!!!!


Heather is just way too much!!! She is such a snob, can't stand her!!! Katie is trying to be relevant, I get it, but Heather is just too much...


She is unlikeable to me. I can see her calling the paparazzi on herself.. Oh is that our house? No that's Drake's house..What a bragger....  


What is John Janssen suing Shannon for? That is a lot of money.....Is he really that desperate??


The rest of the show was a bore........

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Re: Real Housewives of Orange County New Season 18

So bravo friends I no longer have access to the channel.   I'm going to rely on these forum's to keep me up to date.

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Re: Real Housewives of Orange County New Season 18

I actually fell asleep watching - not very good this season at all! 
I used to look forward to watching!

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Re: Real Housewives of Orange County New Season 18


I was half asleep but wasn't it Emily that used a bush as her bathroom?

Last night was boring to me. 

The bar scene was so scripted and Heather and Terry are a joke. The comment about Drakes house was obviously planned. I am sure Heather knows where she lives.

Johnny J is suing Shannon for what? I have no idea what that is all about.