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Re: Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season Premiere

I'm enjoying this season so far. It seems like it will be interesting. It was surprising to hear Dorit say when they'd argue PK would up & leave the house for days. They have down in the gutter fights saying awful things to each other. Have those two been to marriage counseling?


Also surprising about Mauricio replacing a picture of Kyle & him with his "Dancing with the Stars" costars photo in their home. 

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Re: Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season Premiere

I have not been a fan of Dorit, but the way PK spoke to her was so condescending. Blaming her for not being with him in all the public and business events due to having children. .  She is better off without him.  


I also like Dorit pushing back on Kyle. 



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Re: Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season Premiere

I'm not a fan of Sutton but preach it girl to Kyle about divorce. Mauricio and his lawyers must be popping champagne while she believes the money split will be amicable.


I hope Kyle knows how to check joint accounts and is making sure he is not off shoring their money. Trust but verify is her friend especially when you have a minor kid to protect.


And if Kyle is not moving assets earned especially after the separation into her own name at this point, she's a fool! 

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Re: Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season Premiere

@lgfan wrote:

@DREAMON wrote:

I watched the 2nd episode of the season last night.

Single PK is certainly something else. He seems happy as a clam with his life minus Dorit. I thought it was quite insulting to her.

I have to give them (well her) credit for allowing the cameras to film that dinner. He doesn't seem to want to make the marriage work at all.




Dorit is exhausting.  I don't blame PK for being happy about the separation.  

I agree. I think Dorit is unappreciative of PK's point of view although I'm sure he's been no picnic either since they are both self-absorbed. 


I think she behaved like a spoiled brat at the pretty woman surprise and he told her straight up then he's not trying anymore to impress her. 


He acted like a jerk about her PTSD so they're even about not hearing the other's needs.


Men and women need to know their efforts are appreciated and that their spouse is proud of them.


She can't give him either so he's naturally looking elsewhere for approval and she's so angry about how they both have acted that she's trashing everyone she's coming across in an effort to convince herself she's this strong woman battling the world. 


Give it up, Dorit. You're not that important and your strength is in cleaning your own house before handing Kyle a broom. Like Kyle doesn't more important relationships to figure out than their friendship or lack thereof. 


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Re: Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season Premiere

  1. Kyle and Mo  hmm what's their deal
  2. Garcelle is def mean girl I skip her scenes
  3. what's the deal with Martyn Bullard showing up? does he need publicity or new business,  he had a moment a few years ago 
  4. Dorit and PK interesting to watch that 
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Re: Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season Premiere

This one used to be one of my favorites..


personally, all these shows have run their course and the lifestyle (fakes ) seem to be at odds with life today

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Re: Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season Premiere


I understand Dorit's outbursts. I was in her shoes 25 years ago. The anger, loss, sadness, fear, and worries are normal for so many women in her situation.  I really feel for her.


I'm so tired of Kyle. Kyle is only about Kyle. I love that Dorit (or anyone) is finally calling her out. 

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Re: Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season Premiere

I didn't get the hate towards Sutton this week.


Dorit is lashing out like Sutton said because of what's going on in Dorit's life unfairly and I didn't understand the 'low' blow unless I was only half watching and missed something which is a distinct possibility. 😂


Just because someone is going through a bad time doesn't give them license to be abusive. I know Dorit thinks she is finding herself and her voice, but she's really reacting to being a long suffering wife and crime victim and needs real therapy not Kyle or Sutton's heads on a platter. Since PK isn't talking to her, I guess Sutton will do.


Talk to Erika. Whoever she has been talking with in therapy knows what they are doing. She has done a complete maturity leveling up. See what happens when you learn to take care of yourself and don't define by other's standards and instead create your own? 


Strength comes in learning not to react instead of blowing up more of your life to play the victim on a grander stage. 

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Re: Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season Premiere

@Laura14   I agree about her taking it out on Sutton. I like Sutton. Sutton tried to offer to help her. From listening to Sutton on the radio show Jeff Lewis Live she is smart and looked out for herself and her children during her divorce. She gets $300,000 per month until she marries or dies. $50,000 per month for child support. I think only 1 child may still qualify for that.  With her ex husband who may be getting remarried, she is putting plans in place to protect her 3 children with him. For this reason alone perhaps Dorit can calm down and listen to her. Kyle too. 


I have to say SLC this week was quite funny, between Britni and Mary it was quite amusing. I am not sure else watches this one. This one has become the one I prefer lately.  

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Re: Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season Premiere

@lenapecci  I agree! I know when you're first going through it you can't get rational because you're in an emotional overload state. When Dorit was shocked PK asked for a divorce, what did you think this was leading to, honey? 


And Kyle, when my husband swaps out our photo for his girlfriend in our home, run don't walk to a divorce lawyer. Listen to Sutton and protect yourself financially. You can always remarry the fool later. What you have now is the true definition of an open marriage and no self-esteem.


I watch SLC too and I find them the most entertaining lately as well although I also like NYC. This season hasn't been their best though.


I am over Meredith, don't see any appeal of Brittney, and they lost me with the ridiculous set up of the eavesdropping/bugging. Is this really the best storyline we can come up with?


And I know people love Mary. I am not one of them although I was laughing at her describing how boring Meredith is, but she's another one I don't get and I'm not sure why she is back other than for a check. She sits out everything. 


I'm sad SLC is coming to an end. Without my Jersey girls, it's going to be a long spell for me.