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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Did you hear that Tamra Judge and Taylor Armstrong are returning to Orange County?  I lost interest in Tamra a long time ago. Taylor was going through a lot when she was on last (suicide? of husband) and may not have had a fair shake. I look at it like a separated for a reason and getting back together is usually a bust.

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Posts: 11,344
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Oops, I just saw another post on this.  Sorry.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I have always liked Taylor, and felt so bad for her when she was on RHOBH with Russell, her 1st husband and the whole abuse and then his suicide...Now she is remarried and her daughter is a teenager, so it should be interesting to see how she has changed.


Tamra, I like, but sometimes she is over the top, willing to give her a fair try though. Jen and Noella were not good fits for this series, so glad they are both gone...


Noella might have been ok if she would have just acted like herself, instead of trying to shock all the time, but Jen and her husband were just not cut out for reality t.v. He really didn't eant any part of it, i don't think!


It should be interesting, I will give it a try! If I don't like it, I will just stop watching just like I did this season with RHOBH..... 

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I used to watch Real Housewives all the time and just lost interest in it.  On of  my male coworkers in Atlanta used to watch Atlanta just to see which restaurants the cast went to.

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Tamra always seemed mean.