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Queen Victoria and

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I knew about John Brown but her friendship with Abdul Karim was a surprise

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The story came out quite awhile ago but it is fascinating and believable because it was Victoria's lifelong pattern to rely on a strong male figure. Her own father died when she was so very young. She was wise enough not to trust Conroy, who was her mother's confidant and who sought to control the Princess Victoria as a child and teen. But she grew close to the King, whose death put her on the throne. And then she was exceedingly close not only  to her prime ministers but also to her husband, Albert, who ended up serving as a kind of co-monarch behind the scenes. After Albert, it was John Brown and then when he died, Karin filled the role. She may have been emotionally needy, but she also se met to show good judgment when it came to choosing men to trust. One hopes so, anyway. 

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That was very interesting that she was invested in learning about his culture and language to be able to speak and write it.  Maybe he was also a good sounding board for her, someone outside of the usual court gossip and politics.

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Very interesting story, thank you for posting.   I know little about Victoria and was interested to read of her relationships after Albert's death.  Victoria provided a cottage for Karim at Balmoral.  It was named Karim Cottage and is today available for weekly rental.

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@ValuSkr"I know little about Victoria"


Binge watch season 1 of the tv series Victoria.

"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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I read about her closest friend when she became Queen at age 18, was her dog, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel!

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I have watched on pbs when they told about her and family,she was a terrible mother, her life was about albert.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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She had no role model to draw from. Her own mother was a terrible mother. It was Albert that was responsible for Bertie's sad childhood


He master minded the whole thing. Victoria believed everything that  Albert said and did ,was the best way, that ever there was

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Re: Queen Victoria and

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She was sex crazy, and a hard person.She was not nice, had her own ways.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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 I wouldn't know about her sex life ,and no one apart from her husband ,would either