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The calls come from all over the country and the person that is calling (usually a man )

ALWAYS has a thick accent...

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I don't answer the phone if I don't recognize the #. If it's important, they can leave a message.

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Don't answer, go into your phone settings, and block the number.  They may call from more than one number (likely) but just block all of them, and they will eventually quit calling.  Mark them as spam, too, in case you have that option.

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There are so many phone, text, and email scams. It's the new norm and will continue.  People need to stay on their toes.


My phone actually says "scam likely" so I don't answer. Not one has yet left a message.


I've blocked more texts, emails, and facebook messages than I can possibly count.  


About 3 weeks ago, I started receiving about 50 scam emails every day.  I kept blocking and reporting them and it took about 10 days to get them down to zero or almost zero every day.




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I have been getting annoying calls from "Healthcare".  I still have a land line phone and that is where the calls are on...not my cell.  I only noticed it because they have called many times over the last few days.  I don't answer and they don't leave a message.

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I don't even answer calls from my own insurance company unless I have asked for a call or a rep promised me a call when I contacted them.





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Registered: ‎07-24-2019
That is exactly what I wanted to know. My friend has a landline phone and they have been calling 10-15 times a day. She has answered a few times and that is how she gets the info. They have said they want to send her something via UPS , give her a new SS # Etc.
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@Danky2 wrote:


The calls come from all over the country and the person that is calling (usually a man )

ALWAYS has a thick accent...

@Danky2  Monday thru Friday I get about 30 spam phone calls....I use call block, but they use so many "spoof" phone numbers, you can never stop the calls. I have gotten to a point where I just hang  up on most all phone calls now on my land line. I only have ithe landline as the land line is connected to my internet connection. I also get lots of those call center / automated calls from Medicare daily....can not imagine who would pick up the phone and order that junk.  I suppose there is always a sucker with dementia who would fall for it.

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It's getting time for Medicare Open Enrollment, so cue the phone calls and junk mailers!

I get my mail and stand by the recycle bin and dump most of it.

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Registered: ‎05-30-2012

Are these landline or cell phone calls....if it's cell phone ATT has an App ( Call Protect ) there are two plans one is free the other one has a fee... I have the one that's free... these types of calls are blocked by Call Protect.....