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doing those Vitamins commercials on Fox News ? She reminded me of somebody then one day it dawned on me 'Oh, is that Kathy Lee' they never introduce or have a banner saying who it is.


Am I right ? 

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Re: Is that Kathy Lee Gifford

@SharkE wrote:

doing those Vitamins commercials on Fox News ? She reminded me of somebody then one day it dawned on me 'Oh, is that Kathy Lee' they never introduce or have a banner saying who it is.


Am I right ? 


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Registered: ‎08-19-2010

Re: Is that Kathy Lee Gifford

Well, I'm glad I figured that out. Her arms are as veiny as mine are.

Thought I was the only see thru the skin person.


Guess she's had some work done. She reminded me of somebody else but the voice was familiar.

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Re: Is that Kathy Lee Gifford

At her age she should cover up her chest and arms since they look really old.  She has had something done to her face to look younger, but the chest and arms just don't match up.

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Re: Is that Kathy Lee Gifford

I think she is just fine as she is.  A lot of us are older and we have so called "imperfections".  Are we all supposed to wrap ourselves up like mummies from top to bottom because the look of us offend others?  I am an older lady - 70.  Am I happy with all parts of my body and the way it looks?  No.  But it is, what it is.  Age happens --- to all of us - eventually.  

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: Is that Kathy Lee Gifford

We are all getting older..Couldn't stand her when she was younger..don't like her now..and the commerical is sooooooooo annoying with "fake" motor sounds.

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Re: Is that Kathy Lee Gifford

@SharkE wrote:

doing those Vitamins commercials on Fox News ? She reminded me of somebody then one day it dawned on me 'Oh, is that Kathy Lee' they never introduce or have a banner saying who it is.


Am I right ? 

  I never even thought about them not giving her name. I guess the coupon code KLG is supposed to tell us. I knew right away who it was and I think I caught her on the morning show once and saw that she was now blonde and looking really good. I admire her coming on the commercial "as is". No frills. Hardly any make up but eyebrows that I could see. 

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Re: Is that Kathy Lee Gifford

I saw KLG in those vitamin ads. I suppose she needs the money (LOL). I have no interest in buying the supplements promoted on TV. The only ones that really bother me are the Prevagen ads. My husband has Alzheimer's Disease so I have done a great deal of reading on the research into dementia diseases. There is no cure, no pill, nothing that will stop, reverse, or cure these horrible diseases. There have been law suits against the totally bogus claims made. I don't know where they stand. If someone is showing signs of dementia, taking a supplement is not harmless if nothing else is done. These diseases put people in danger if ignored. 

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Re: Is that Kathy Lee Gifford

I guess everyone is supposed to know who she is.  They normally do have the little (KLG discount on the screen) but if you are not sure then how would you know?   She is 69 years old and IMO, hasn't aged well.    I never really cared for her, her voice goes right through me.

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Re: Is that Kathy Lee Gifford

Yes, it's her.  I knew it was somebody I knew but I didn't figure it out until I'd seen the commercial a few times.