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Re: Paula Faris Next To Exit The View

I do like The View.. however I think they have made some big mistakes since Barb left.

Letting Nicole go I think was  one. She was always well informed and took the time to explain and she is smart. I found the way she didn't always know pop culture refreshing. Plus this is an election year, why not have someone who knows what they are talking about? I never cared for Michelle Collins, Felt she was always trying to overtalk everyone. Miss Rosie Perez, she is sweet and does dedicate herself to a lot of different causes. I don't know why everyone gives Raven such a hard time. I think she comes prepared. People don't give her enough credit. The View needs a younger opinion on there, or else they would all have the same opinion. Plus Raven is gay so that adds another layer to her and her opinions, which they need.I liked Paula, and Candace, I'm just tired of tuning in and its people I don't know. The two that have been on lately I don't care for. Whoopie has only signed for another the writing could be on the wall.

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Re: Paula Faris Next To Exit The View

Why does it have to be balanced? If you need balanced watch Fox news.
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Re: Paula Faris Next To Exit The View

@ballyk wrote:
Why does it have to be balanced? If you need balanced watch Fox news.

IMO it doesn't have to be balanced. That is why I switch over to Fox and let them get my business.

Wrong is still wrong just because you benefited from it.
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Re: Paula Faris Next To Exit The View

as a regular viewer of THE VIEW for many years (rarely missing an episode), i have to wonder why people WANT it cancelled? TV these days has so many options. i never say something should be cancelled because i know others enjoy is so easy for me to change the channel and watch something i do enjoy. i cannot even say that i have ever HATED a co-host.....of course some i have liked more than others.


i have really liked THE VIEW this year and it was renewed last february for another year. i enjoy the cast and have liked paula, although i dont agree with her often. joy and whoopi are the bookends of that show and they do a good job. i even like candace and raven and michelle. i may not agree with everyone all the time, but i do find what they have to say interesting.


the rotating hosts that they have had this year have been excellent.....really enjoy jedidiah and sunny. they argue their points well and can hang with the rest of them.


if it is true that paula wont be around this upcoming season then i will miss her. hopefully they will be bringing on jedidiah or sunny full time. looking forward to another year of THE VIEW.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: Paula Faris Next To Exit The View

I'll only speak for myself with Raven but she has had some serious missteps with basic knowledge ala Sherri Shepard.  I do give her a bit of a pass because she's not had the traditional schooling that the rest of the country gets but I personally think you should know the basics of how your government works before you accept a job to comment on it.  


I can't remember specifically what the exact conversation was but when she didn't realize that Supreme Court justices are there for life and are not voted on or out by the general public, you kind of lose me with your credibility.  That's Social Studies/History 101 in middle school for preteens.  


She also has no concept of what working class people deal with financially which is not her fault.  But it makes it tough to hear her complain about spending hundreds of dollars on candy crush per play while most of the rest of us don't have that kind of discretionary income.  


She's had a privileged life (worked hard for it-great for her) but when you have the roof over your head completely secured to that degree, it makes it tough to relate to her opinion on some of the issues discussed since she lives in an entirely separate  financial world with no knowledge at all of what most people's financial experiences are.  


The rest of the panel still seems to remember where they came from and get that you just can't pick a fight and stand up no matter where you are for truth and social justice.  There are real life repercussions that don't exist in her line of work or can be weathered by her financial and social status.  Doesn't work that way for us working class peeps.  Again, not her fault at all but it is difficult when someone just doesn't have the experience of  the day to day reality most people live.  




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Re: Paula Faris Next To Exit The View

@Sunshine Kate wrote:

This show should be cancelled, it's awful.  

I was just thinking the same thing -- the entire show should be the next to "exit."

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Re: Paula Faris Next To Exit The View

@ballyk wrote:
Why does it have to be balanced? If you need balanced watch Fox news.



LOL .... yeah, right.

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Re: Paula Faris Next To Exit The View

@Laura14 wrote:

I'll only speak for myself with Raven but she has had some serious missteps with basic knowledge ala Sherri Shepard.  I do give her a bit of a pass because she's not had the traditional schooling that the rest of the country gets but I personally think you should know the basics of how your government works before you accept a job to comment on it.  


I can't remember specifically what the exact conversation was but when she didn't realize that Supreme Court justices are there for life and are not voted on or out by the general public, you kind of lose me with your credibility.  That's Social Studies/History 101 in middle school for preteens.  


She also has no concept of what working class people deal with financially which is not her fault.  But it makes it tough to hear her complain about spending hundreds of dollars on candy crush per play while most of the rest of us don't have that kind of discretionary income.  


She's had a privileged life (worked hard for it-great for her) but when you have the roof over your head completely secured to that degree, it makes it tough to relate to her opinion on some of the issues discussed since she lives in an entirely separate  financial world with no knowledge at all of what most people's financial experiences are.  


The rest of the panel still seems to remember where they came from and get that you just can't pick a fight and stand up no matter where you are for truth and social justice.  There are real life repercussions that don't exist in her line of work or can be weathered by her financial and social status.  Doesn't work that way for us working class peeps.  Again, not her fault at all but it is difficult when someone just doesn't have the experience of  the day to day reality most people live.  






You aren't speaking only for yourself .... neither Raven, nor Sherri Shepherd had a broad enough education to be commenting on current events.   I can't even imagine why they were hired.

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Re: Paula Faris Next To Exit The View

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

@ballyk wrote:
Why does it have to be balanced? If you need balanced watch Fox news.



LOL .... yeah, right.

@Tinkrbl44, make that a double  Lol.....yeah, right.

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Re: Paula Faris Next To Exit The View

@Jackaranda wrote:

I wish they would just be honest and call it "The Liberal  View" and just hire the host that fit. This revolving door looks like they just can't get their act together.

I think you're right (pun intended). I have rarely watched this show, it just never hooked me. I have actually agreed with Whoopi on occasion, but not too often. I respect that her opinions are firm convictions coming from a pretty good moral stance.