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Registered: ‎12-11-2010

WOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOO Yep Shell, there's my Poldark!! Heart

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Registered: ‎12-11-2010

I hope that whomever asked about Last Tango in Halifax reads my post. 

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Registered: ‎04-28-2015

@Babyfran wrote:

WOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOO Yep Shell, there's my Poldark!! Heart

@Babyfran....YEP, lol.

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,045
Registered: ‎04-28-2015

@Babyfran wrote:

Hi gardenmiss, " Last Tango in Halifax" is being released in Feb. You can pre-order it on Amazon. LOVE that series!! 

@Babyfran....Is this the new season of "Last Tango in Halifax"?  Which would be what???  Season 3 or 4?


Anyway, I watched one season, but just didn't like it.  But, glad you enjoy it.

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Posts: 1,848
Registered: ‎12-11-2010

Hi Shell. It's season 4 . You didn't like it? Oh pooooooooh on YOU! It's total dysfunction at its best!! WHOOP WHOOP BRAHAHAHAHA 

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Posts: 5,045
Registered: ‎04-28-2015


@Babyfran wrote:

Hi Shell. It's season 4 . You didn't like it? Oh pooooooooh on YOU! It's total dysfunction at its best!! WHOOP WHOOP BRAHAHAHAHA 

@Babyfran....NO more dysfunction needed at this house, lol.