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On 4/7/2015 PamelaSue72 said:

My DH and I watch the show together. After the episode, sometimes we have some very interesting conversations about the way the world was during that time period, too.

OMG yes!!......imagine the life of a woman/wife back then....a husband was expected to punish her/spank her and keep her in her place.

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I know that in America every generation (I'm not putting in Hummmm...) but I'm thinking, changes. Women are slowly making strides in this country, you can see it with every generation.

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Did you all watch Saturday's episode?...OMG...Captain Jack is one very very sick man.....he makes me cringe.

I've not read the books but am thinking of getting them for my kindle....I want to read them so bad and yet I'm not sure I want to know in advance what happens in the TV series.

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stray, I saw it. My daughter in Denver read the books. When I told her about it she said, "Mom, that's why I've been waiting to see it. I knew this was coming and didn't want to see it".

She said it was in the books. Now understand this. I watch shows like "Banshee" where people fight with each other terribly (fists, guns, etc). It gets really, really bloody.

However, when I saw this scene coming I put it on mute and FF over it. It was terrible.

I asked my daughter (they both read the books) why they had to put this on TV. They both said that it was important to see how terrible this guy was and understand what this guy would be going through in the next few weeks.

I can't stop thinking about it. It's just so sick, the whole thing is.

stray, were you as upset as I was? It sounds like it.

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Probably after meeting Cap. Randall and seeing how much he looks like Frank she is turned off!! It would turn me off esp. With Jamie there to take his place! No contest!
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Read the reviews on Amazon. People either love it or hate it (the book). I love the TV Show. After seeing how much the sadist Cap. Randall looks like Frank, no wonder Claire stays with Jamie. Easy choice.
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On 5/19/2015 annabellethecat said:

stray, were you as upset as I was? It sounds like it.

The scenes bothered me...I cringed...flinched...etc. But I also understand the importance of showing scenes like this.

As for not being put on TV...well this is cable TV without the same restrictions on regular TV networks like ABC, NBC, etc.

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I was a little upset with my daughter that she didn't tell me it was coming. This is about a different show, same subject:

I was listenting to Entertainment Weekly today (radio) and they were talking about the Game of Thrones sceen where Sansa has the same thing happen to her. They talked to the Director of the show and he said well that is one of the worst things that can happen to females and he wanted to show the brutality back then and how terrible the man was.

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Trust me, GoT already established Bolton's sadism. We didn't need Sansa's humiliation to learn that about him.

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I still think I yearn for the days when one had to use one's imagination and then didn't need to be so graphic.

That way it is possible to imagine it to the degree one wants to.