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Anybody give a rip about the show Sun. night ?

I like to watch for the wardrobe and the jewels mainly.


I'm still reeling from that drop dead diamond necklace that Denzel's wife had on back during the last show they had on.


Stunning !



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No, I probably won't watch much of it, just the beginning with Chris Rock.  I like him a lot.


It's soooo boring seeing them get awards!  Ugh!

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I like to see the old time glamour of the stars of yester year.

They knew how to look fantastic without resorting to showing too much skin or weird get ups that is just to garner attention and end up in National Enquirer under 'winners' and 'losers' in fashion.

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I'm a fan of Chris Rock too. It will be real interesting this year with all the controversy. They said on The Today Show this morning that he's been working on his mono at a small club and Al said it was really, really good. 


I enjoy watching the Red Carpet and the Oscars. 

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I'll watch a little of it, but I'm so tired of award shows.   


I think they award entertainers too much this time of year.   


I love what Lawrence O'Donnell said on MSNBC last night, he said instead of them saying "The Oscar for Best Film goes to"    They should say, "The Oscar goes to the best film we've seen this year"


He was making the point that some really good movies don't even get mentioned, nominated or acknowledged.   It's usually the big moneymakers that get nominated and honored.


I like watching the fashion, but don't these movie stars get paid to wear the designers?   It's not like they went out and picked the dress.   The designers come to them.    Too much of Hollywood is bought and paid for.


I always have to laugh how these actors and actresses who rehearse and memorize their lines read the cue cards so awkwardly at these award ceremonies.   It always makes me giggle.

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Hi Sharke!


The red carpet never captivated me. 


Don't know who more than half the people are any more and don't care!


Even the jewelry is 'loaned' and I don't understand why.  Those people can afford it. 


Do the jewelers really get that many sales just because of the *stars* wearing it?


I mean who is in the market for a $118K necklace? 


Zsa Zsa?

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@SharkE wrote:

I like to see the old time glamour of the stars of yester year.

They knew how to look fantastic without resorting to showing too much skin or weird get ups that is just to garner attention and end up in National Enquirer under 'winners' and 'losers' in fashion.


Totally agree 100%.  


Gone are the days of Elizabeth Taylor, Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly, Sophia Loren, the list goes on.   None of them would wear dresses displaying so much of their cleaveage, leaving nothing to be desired.


I'm not a prude at all, but these plunging necklines are so unattractive and ugly.


Glamour is not in what you show off, it's in how you carry yourself and shine with attributes not measured by cup size or measuring tape.

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I probably won't watch... Agreed, the gowns and jewels can be impressive, but they're pretty much all borrowed... And really, are there any TRUE stars anymore...? Besides, it seems like sort of a weak year for movies. As for the awards themselves, I preferred it when they used to say "and the winner is"... Let's call it what it is... Somebody "wins" and the others don't.



In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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I have a root canal scheduled same time as the

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@Lucky Charm wrote:

Hi Sharke!


The red carpet never captivated me. 


Don't know who more than half the people are any more and don't care!


Even the jewelry is 'loaned' and I don't understand why.  Those people can afford it. 


Do the jewelers really get that many sales just because of the *stars* wearing it?


I mean who is in the market for a $118K necklace? 


Zsa Zsa?

Hey girlfriend!

You can hold your own with that latest purchase!!!!

You got it yet?