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North West's First Mag Cover

North West, age 5 on first magazine cover.





Too young, or too cute ?

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Re: North West's First Mag Cover

I am very "vocal" today.  So, I am going to be especially careful here.


Just want to say that this hurts my heart and I wish this had not happened to this little girl.


Too young. 

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Re: North West's First Mag Cover

[ Edited ]

Too young and cute.... all kids are at 5.

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Re: North West's First Mag Cover

Both...too young and too cute.


Another generation of exploited children in this family. Just like the rest of the family, she is wearing sheer clothing, but at least she is covered.

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Re: North West's First Mag Cover



I agree, Though not surprising. The K-Empire promoting their brand. 

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Re: North West's First Mag Cover

She is darling -- that's for sure.


But she has years ahead of her in which she should not be burdened with being an object for others.  Yes, all models and performers, to a degree, are objects.  She needs to be a free and easy spirit at this time.


This sounds trite, but she should have as easy and relatively normal a childhood as possible in her circumstances.  


We have a "child actor" (now grown) in our family, and he did high-octane TV commercials and appeared on Broadway.  His life would have been better had not all that happened to him, I believe. 

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Re: North West's First Mag Cover

I am disgusted by this whole bunch. It's bad enough they exploit themselves in every way possible, but to start exploiting this innocent child is absolutely disgusting.


I pity this poor child. I can't imagine what her life will be like unless when she's older she manages to escape them.

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Re: North West's First Mag Cover

those children will grow up thinking this is normal. look who their role models are.  how about mommy's last look. the black dress with the thin strips covering her ni**les. her trademark is to wear as little as possible. not much chance for those kids to get away from all the insanity there.

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Re: North West's First Mag Cover

All 5 year old kids are cute.  She is not a stark raving beauty by any means.  Looks like all the Kardashian children are going to be used for  more money for the Kardashian clan.  I am sure Kris has  her hand in all  of this.

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Re: North West's First Mag Cover

So cute.  I have a feeling we'll be seeing more of North by Northwest.