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I just finished watching the latest season of The Crown. I never realized the Queen was so cold hearted and Charles was so cruel to Diana with his ongoing affair with Camilla. To think he is now married to Camilla!  I hope he never becomes the King. I have a feeling that after the Queen dies, William will become the King and not Charles. Poor Diana had a miserable marriage for sure but she had her 2 sons who deeply loved her. 

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I also finished this most recent season and the way I see it, there was blame to go around.  They were an unfortunate match and although he was no prize, neither was she.  What if she hadn't been beautiful and worn clothes so well, what if she had been unattractive?  The way I see it, she had plenty of flaws and imho was pretty nuts.

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@elruth wrote:

I just finished watching the latest season of The Crown. I never realized the Queen was so cold hearted and Charles was so cruel to Diana with his ongoing affair with Camilla. To think he is now married to Camilla!  I hope he never becomes the King. I have a feeling that after the Queen dies, William will become the King and not Charles. Poor Diana had a miserable marriage for sure but she had her 2 sons who deeply loved her. 

They should have just let Charles marry Camilla, he would have been happy, and maybe Diana would still be here. She was innocent, and he loved another woman , how can that possibly end well ?

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
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I was well acquainted with the facts of the marriage but seeing it onscreen was troubling. Diana was 20 years old and a virgin ( they had her examined to make sure) when she married Charles. He had no intention of giving up Camilla and ony married under pressure to get "an heir and a spare."  They were mismatched but the age difference alone should have told them it would be difficult. Charles has always been odd in my opinion. I think Dianna was more used than Charles. The Margaret Thatcher bits were an interesting character study. She did not live up to her own opinion of herself.

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@elruth -

I always thought that of Queen Elizabeth and the cruelty of Charles.

He was so selfish and only concerned with his own problems and what he wanted.It was awful that he married Diana when he never intended to make a real marriage of it. He and his mother and all the rest with their ridiculous rules just continued to ruin lives.

I don't respect the queen and her "duty" as she called it beyond all else which made so many people in her family unhappy for all their lives.

Watching the last season of the crown just reafirmed all that I've felt about them even more.

The Queen over and over seemed to not understand what was needed from her country, only her stupid duty! When over 100 children were killed she felt it was not part of the Royal duty to comfort;, when Diana died, she could not understand why the world was mourning and not until there were so many protesting her silence did she make a speech which probably wasn't even entirely written by her. It was like she didn't even live in her own country. No understanding of what her"subjects" were going through.

And for what end?


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The "Crown" along with all real life stories brought to life, are not accurate.  If you weren't there, it is here say and you're only hearing one side of somone's view.


I just look at them as being entertainment, not accurate portrayals of people and their lives. 

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I haven't seen The Crown, but I really want to!


I did read an interview about this season with Diana's brother Charles Spencer:


"The worry for me is that people see a program like that and they forget that it is fiction," he reportedly said. "They assume—especially foreigners, I find Americans tell me they have watched The Crown as if they have taken a history lesson. Well, they haven't." He went on: "It is very hard, there is a lot of conjecture and a lot of invention, isn’t there? You can hang it on fact but the bits in between are not fact."




 The Queen has watched at least two of her loved ones at young ages being pulled away from those they loved because those people were deemed "not suitable." You would think, after watching Princess Margaret's heartbreak, she would have been more receptive to her son's wanting to marry Camilla. However HER family had something to do with forcing his hand too. 



I remember reading long ago about Diana finding a bracelet meant for Camilla on their honeymoon yacht. I had no idea at the time how much earlier their problems developed, unless you count Charles' famous, "Whatever love is" answer.



I still do think he tried to love her, and seemed he was almost there when we saw the pictures taken  of them at Balmoral when they returned from their honeymoon. They did look besotted with each other then. But of course it didn't last. 


What she went through before her wedding- my heart aches to think of that.




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I did not watch it but have followed Charles and Diana's journey over the decades.  None of us knows what it's like to be a Royal and what was expected of them at least at that time.  Diana fit the mold and Camilla did not.  I think both Charles and Diana were pressured by their respective families to marry and so they did. 

They did bring 2 wonderful children into this world who are keeping their mother's memory alive and bringing mental health issues to the forefront.  Prince Harry has also broken the mold by marrying a divorced biracial non-British woman.  I think the family has changed a lot for the better based on what happened with Charles and Diana.  

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@Carmie wrote:

The "Crown" along with all real life stories brought to life, are not accurate.  If you weren't there, it is here say and you're only hearing one side of somone's view.


I just look at them as being entertainment, not accurate portrayals of people and their lives. 

I totally aree with you! I'm very surprised that so many who take this version as truth. It's made for entertainment.

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Re: Netflix The Crown

[ Edited ]

I don't think anyone really needs to watch The Crown to know all the reasons so much of it rings true, despite that it may be a lot of fiction in the details.

So many things the Queen has done showed no heart or understanding. I think she has always come off as a cold person, except maybe for her horses and dogs.

And Charles did not need The Crown to have many people dislike him for how he treated Diana and just would not give up Camilla all the while he was married, and never intended to.

I do admire the younger Royals and that they seem to place much more emphasis on true service. Otherwise it all just appeared a bunch of pomp and circumstance to me anyway. 

I guess I don't see the role or importance of this whole royal thing

and really what role they play in the country aside from bringing in tourists.

Though the younger ones may change how I think of it all and maybe others too.



"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"