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Re: NBC Loses from Days of Our Lives

@brandiwine wrote:

Read an article yesterday saying NBC has lost 750,000 afternoon viewers since they sent Days to Peacock.  Love it!  Hope it really hurts their daytime programming and their advertisers running.

@brandiwine,  did the article mention whether Peacock picked up viewers?

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Re: NBC Loses from Days of Our Lives

@stevieb wrote:

It was a stupid move and I can't imagine they didn't expect this kind of outcome. Even given how bad they've gotten and how limited production values have become, soaps are probably more expensive to put on the air than is another tiresome talk show, promo, infomercial, magazine or news program, none of which is most of a daytime audience interested in watching. Sending Days to streaming was nothing more than a shortcut to cancellation. The networks get increasingly worthless and increasingly appear to be giving up. Given the schlock they consistently put out there, they probably should. Network television has never been more dreadful, unimaginative, uninspired, uninteresting or unwatchable.



And how do you like their lack of creativity to fill prime time TV slots like bringing back a reboot of outdated concepts and tired old TV Shows like "Quantum Leap"....And "La Brea" is very similar to "Lost"... You are so right---BORING, TIRED, and UNIMAGINATIVE describes broadcast progamming these days!!! .🥱😴ZZZZZ. 

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Re: NBC Loses from Days of Our Lives

@Marp wrote:

@brandiwine wrote:

Read an article yesterday saying NBC has lost 750,000 afternoon viewers since they sent Days to Peacock.  Love it!  Hope it really hurts their daytime programming and their advertisers running.

@brandiwine,  did the article mention whether Peacock picked up viewers?


Get Ready for Your Streaming Services to Merge


NBCUniversal chief Jeff Shell, is telling colleagues that Peacock would need to merge with WarnerMedia to remain competitive. If Netflix and Disney are the de facto primary services to which subscribers pay a monthly fee to avoid cable, then that leaves little room for other services to squeeze their way in. At some point, the cost of maintaining multiple services will exceed what somebody would otherwise pay for cable, which doesn’t make a lot of economic sense for someone trying to cut the cord.


There’s also only so much content that anyone can reasonably watch. Particularly for households on a budget, it makes more sense to subscribe to just a handful of services that provide value than it does to pay a large monthly fee to maintain subscriptions that aren’t being used.


All of this is to say, the mergers are coming. Nobody’s keeping a streaming service alive out of the goodness of their heart. At some point, somebody’s got to start making some money.


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Re: NBC Loses from Days of Our Lives

Even if viewership has decreased, I'm not sure I would expect NBC to bring it back to the network.  I imagine if they chose to remove it from Peacock, they would cancel it altogether.  How many soap operas are even left on network TV?   I do imagine they are far more expensive to produce than many other shows.


Also, all the networks want to support their streaming services with programming.  There may be a lot of those services and they may be too costly for some, but more and more folks are choosing that now and more so going forward I would think.


I'm sure many fans of football weren't happy when Thursday night football went to Amazon.  And I know I wasn't happy when some of my local baseball games were on Apple and Peacock.  I think we'll be seeing more and more of this however.

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Re: NBC Loses from Days of Our Lives

I have not watched soaps in a million years, but as for all of the streaming services being offered it's just a bit ridiculous. 


Every one is trying to make a buck. To the point that they are even splitting some of the streaming services. HGTV and HGTV+, Paramount and Paramount+, Disney and Disney +.


Nope, I do not play for any + services.


I have Hulu, Sling TV, ROKU because my TV in my living room is a streaming TV, and Amazon by default since I am a prime member.


That's more than enough entertainment. 

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Re: NBC Loses from Days of Our Lives

I quit watching Days decades ago but from what I've heard over the years, NBC has wanted to dump it, either on another network or cancel it outright. They weren't invested in soaps anymore. But to fill daytime programming with nothing but news shows is a bad move. Most places, you get 3-4 hours of news in the evening, then a 10pm and 11pm newcast. Not to mention the 24 hour networks, none of which I watch. 


It seems if you want to watch most shows that sound remotely interesting, you have to do streaming, especially a subscription service. I dumped cable two years ago and only do streaming, and I don't pay for any subscriptions except Amazon Prime. Most of what I watch is on the Pluto TV app, they have news, classic shows, movies, true crime, etc, and all free. Tubi is also another great app and they add content weekly. 

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Re: NBC Loses from Days of Our Lives

This is why I've gone back to reading books. No one can take that away from me at will. The only streaming service I will pay for at this point is Kindle Unlimited. 



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Re: NBC Loses from Days of Our Lives

I think the move showed that NBC didn't really know or care about their audience. And while some prime time shows can more easily transfer to streaming I don't think that's the case for daytime programming. 

If what I've seen of daytime viewing at nursing homes and assisted living facilities is any indication, these viewers are set in their ways and not always have an option for streaming channels. Walk down the halls and all you hear are soaps, TV Land, and the Game Show Channel. I suspect these are not viewers willing to stream even if if they could.



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Re: NBC Loses from Days of Our Lives

I can't imagine them being all that concerned about losing 750,000 viewers.   Don't successful shows pretty much have to have viewership in the millions to matter?  Plus, other parts of the company, such as the streaming, also factor into their income.


I didn't watch this show, but have watched others that went to a different place and that was always the death of the show after only one season in the new venue.


I really hope networks and cable don't  go away.  I agree with some that we probably have more than enough talk shows, especially daytime.  I watch a few - only one daytime and a couple of late night.


I just wonder if they figure that soaps are a bygone thing, appealing to people in the older age groups and I think we all know that those of us in the older age groups are not anybody's targeted audience.  Well, hardly any anyway.  

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Re: NBC Loses from Days of Our Lives

[ Edited ]

@Etoile308 wrote:

I think the move showed that NBC didn't really know or care about their audience. And while some prime time shows can more easily transfer to streaming I don't think that's the case for daytime programming. 

If what I've seen of daytime viewing at nursing homes and assisted living facilities is any indication, these viewers are set in their ways and not always have an option for streaming channels. Walk down the halls and all you hear are soaps, TV Land, and the Game Show Channel. I suspect these are not viewers willing to stream even if if they could.




Every time I talk to my father (he just turned 90) he tells me about how ALL (literally all, not just most) he watches is the Game Show channel.   I thought it seemed odd but maybe it is a thing among some groups.


I can't imagine being entertained by only one channel, but then I tend to go more for variety in most things.