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Re: My thoughts on how Neil is going to find out about Hillary & Devon (Y&R)

In the scheme of things if it wasn't for a quick fix to dull the pain, or too get a thrill there would be no Y&R. Everyone is exchanging body fluids thank goodness no commutable deceases in all these years.

Has anyone here ever had a diet of whole life?{#emotions_dlg.scared}

Just wondering????Smile

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Re: My thoughts on how Neil is going to find out about Hillary & Devon (Y&R)

My guess Java if you listened to stories here you'd hear plenty tales of "whole" life.

Just because people like to watch soaps doesn't mean they aren't going through a difficult (or maybe even happy time) in their own life.

After all that is what TV does for all of us. It helps us to suspend whatever is on our minds for whatever amount of time we wish.

Recently, while waiting for the Surgeon's Assistant to take biopsies of my thyroid, I had a lovely 49 year old mother of one sitting next to me (to keep me from falling off of the table). I laid there, she talked. I've heard her story so many times. She is a single mother of a son going to a well known college in Washington, DC. He is about to graduate. She has raised him, put him through college (he worked and helped) entirely on her own. She suffers from diabetes and several other ailments. She was lovely, inside and out.

She talked about how hard it is to get up every morning and put one foot in front of the other to get to the Hospital (to sit next to people like me) so she can get a paycheck so she can live.

I did what I often do. I talked to her. I told her she should continue to write her music (she writes music) and two things would be accomplished. It would relax her at night (she said it makes her feel good) and she should submit to every music producer she could find because one day I will hear her music and remember the time she sat next to me and I'd feel proud to have met her.

I told her she needs to remember all that she'd accomplished (no easy feat putting a kid through school all on your own, being sick).

I had my throat stuck by the needles over and over (they had trouble) and she was there the entire time.

When I got up (after the Drs left and she gave me a few minutes to get my bearings) she came over and gave me a big hug and thanked me.

Now, I'm telling you this story because if you met her you'd never know she had that much going on in her life. She told me she doesn't even talk to her family about her troubles. Yet, she continues to participate in life. She smiles and sits next to people day in and day out.

Her 'escape' in life is to sit and write her music. Some people here their escape in life is to watch TV/and/or soaps.

Believe me, I'm sure there are plenty people here who have had more than a 'diet' of real life, unfortunately (as I surmise you probably have also).

Most people (unlike me) don't go through life bla blaing and boo hooing about it.

Aren't you glad you don't know me in real life?

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Re: My thoughts on how Neil is going to find out about Hillary & Devon (Y&R)

On 10/14/2014 annabellethecat said:

My guess Java if you listened to stories here you'd hear plenty tales of "whole" life.

Just because people like to watch soaps doesn't mean they aren't going through a difficult (or maybe even happy time) in their own life.

After all that is what TV does for all of us. It helps us to suspend whatever is on our minds for whatever amount of time we wish.

Recently, while waiting for the Surgeon's Assistant to take biopsies of my thyroid, I had a lovely 49 year old mother of one sitting next to me (to keep me from falling off of the table). I laid there, she talked. I've heard her story so many times. She is a single mother of a son going to a well known college in Washington, DC. He is about to graduate. She has raised him, put him through college (he worked and helped) entirely on her own. She suffers from diabetes and several other ailments. She was lovely, inside and out.

She talked about how hard it is to get up every morning and put one foot in front of the other to get to the Hospital (to sit next to people like me) so she can get a paycheck so she can live.

I did what I often do. I talked to her. I told her she should continue to write her music (she writes music) and two things would be accomplished. It would relax her at night (she said it makes her feel good) and she should submit to every music producer she could find because one day I will hear her music and remember the time she sat next to me and I'd feel proud to have met her.

I told her she needs to remember all that she'd accomplished (no easy feat putting a kid through school all on your own, being sick).

I had my throat stuck by the needles over and over (they had trouble) and she was there the entire time.

When I got up (after the Drs left and she gave me a few minutes to get my bearings) she came over and gave me a big hug and thanked me.

Now, I'm telling you this story because if you met her you'd never know she had that much going on in her life. She told me she doesn't even talk to her family about her troubles. Yet, she continues to participate in life. She smiles and sits next to people day in and day out.

Her 'escape' in life is to sit and write her music. Some people here their escape in life is to watch TV/and/or soaps.

Believe me, I'm sure there are plenty people here who have had more than a 'diet' of real life, unfortunately (as I surmise you probably have also).

Most people (unlike me) don't go through life bla blaing and boo hooing about it.

Aren't you glad you don't know me in real life?

Sorry my friend but the operative word was suppose to be wholesome life diet

Yes even those who walk that trail has problems in life but they are not doing it alone, even though you don't see them there are angels among us, and have a hard time lingering when the mind is always escaping to the dark side for entertainment.

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Re: My thoughts on how Neil is going to find out about Hillary & Devon (Y&R)

Sadly soaps end up being *"yours, mine and ours".. and than some....

I had a little cousin who said *this (the family he was in) he must have been 10 years old this was in the late 50's it was not a common a currents in families, likes today

It seems one can exchange PC thoughts or observations but others need not apply.

I watch soaps and other things that skirt the envelope because it is one of the least of the loudest noise going on, I will not engage in Boardwalk, House of Cards because it takes too long for my soul to recover if it ever will in time...

There is no solace in dark entertainment. It is too bad that meaningful exchanges and conversations it seems there is no place for them there is more going on and I care about my fellowman.

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Re: My thoughts on how Neil is going to find out about Hillary & Devon (Y&R)

Listening to today's show (10/15), Devon is wanting to make it a memorable time since it's their last time together...........I think it will be memorable alright......can you sing Rock-a-bye Baby, in the treetop......

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Re: My thoughts on how Neil is going to find out about Hillary & Devon (Y&R)

On 10/15/2014 hulagirl said:

Listening to today's show (10/15), Devon is wanting to make it a memorable time since it's their last time together...........I think it will be memorable alright......can you sing Rock-a-bye Baby, in the treetop......

Do you think Y&R is comerical for DNA?Smile

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: My thoughts on how Neil is going to find out about Hillary & Devon (Y&R)

I agree this is all so predictable. It's like someone said recently, "Haven't these people ever heard of B control?