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Saw that movie yesterday - excellent! true story - in fact, the real Philomena was a presenter at the Golden Gloves. Just love Dame Judy Dench! One thing I admired most - she is a true natural and not afraid of letting her age - wrinkles, lines, etc - show. And believe me, there were plenty of real closeups in this movie! Made me feel a bit better about my wrinkles!

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I also saw this recently. Nice movie, not sure I necessarily agree with its Oscar nomination, but I enjoyed it. I feel like I saw a different side of Judi Dench - a more vulnerable, unsure side. Don't recall if she was nominated or not, but she was very deserving to be so.
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I also enjoyed that movie. I love Judy Dench. Enjoyed the male lead very much - his name now escapes me.

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In the early 50's and after I left home, grew up in SF., there was a St. Elizabeth's church and home for unwed mothers behind my home, a street behind. We teens were always afraid of going all the way for fear of our Father first, then God and ending up in this home or one like it. I was too young at the time, a teen, but most of the girls in the home, I'm told had to give up their babies to remain a good Catholic and be forgiven. My God doesn't work like that and today we know how wrong that is. The most powerful religion in the world has committed so many atrocities. I was baptized Catholic and so were my children, I chose to excommunicate myself. God is love, kindness, forgiveness, patience, mild mannered, etc. from First Corinthians Chapt. 13

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On 2/3/2014 DiAnne said:

I also enjoyed that movie. I love Judy Dench. Enjoyed the male lead very much - his name now escapes me.

I think his name is Steve Coogan. I think he wrote & maybe directed too. I really enjoyed the movie.

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I saw it last week and I loved it, it was wonderful. Steve Coogan was a revelation as he always played comedy roles before.

Made me very happy that religion has never been a big influence in my life. I couldn't believe how cruel and nasty the nuns were. I have an Irish friend who tells me horror stories from her father about being beaten by "the brothers,"while growing up in Ireland.They were supposed to be helping young men. They were sadistic!

The Irish people back then were terrified of the church and the priests. I don't want to imagine what went on in the name of religion.

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I really want to see this one! Judy Dench is one of my favorite actresses.

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Registered: ‎04-23-2010
Great movie and she is one fantastic actress ! I love all of her natural wrinkles, but her teeth.... She has no excuse, even Jeremy Irons,another fab Brit, got a grip and got his teeth fixed. Teeth should be clean and nice looking, healthy teeth make wrinkles look irrelevant .
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Registered: ‎07-20-2010
I just rented this today - $3.99 on Amazon Prime - and it's a wonderful movie. It wouldn't be a bad idea to have a tissue at hand.
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

I too have a thread on this and to me it is without a doubt THE BEST MOVIE DH AND I HAVE SEEN ALL YEAR!!!