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This is a fun movie for the senior set.  Cute story, well thought out, nobody died, no gore and only on well deserved drop of blood. 


Now I am looking forward to seeing “Norman” with Richard Gere, but it is only in limited release and not playing anywhere near me (and I live in a major metropolitan area).  I inquired at the theater because they had a poster up for it with today’s date and they had no idea if or when it was coming.  If anyone sees it, let me know what you think. 

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@Havarti wrote:

This is a fun movie for the senior set.  Cute story, well thought out, nobody died, no gore and only on well deserved drop of blood. 


Now I am looking forward to seeing “Norman” with Richard Gere, but it is only in limited release and not playing anywhere near me (and I live in a major metropolitan area).  I inquired at the theater because they had a poster up for it with today’s date and they had no idea if or when it was coming.  If anyone sees it, let me know what you think. 

I took my mother to see it and we both enjoyed it very much!

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When I saw the previews, I realized that it's a remake of the 1979 movie with the same name starring Art Carney, Lee Strasberg and George Burns. But there are so few movies without a lot of violence or profanity, I think it's worth seeing.

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Thanks for sharing that tidbit with me.  I had no idea this was a remake of a precious movie…and I am waaaaaaay old enough to have seen the one you remember. I never went to movies much when I was younger – they always gave me headaches. Not that I was a kid in '79.  When I was little the whole family would pile into the station wagon and go to the drive-in on a regular basis. To save money on a sitter, I would have to go along, but always slept in the flat back section of the station wagon with a blanket over my head, I HATED going to the movies, so I am not very “up” on old movies. I just started going to movies when I retired...thankfully no headaches. 

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@deeva wrote:

When I saw the previews, I realized that it's a remake of the 1979 movie with the same name starring Art Carney, Lee Strasberg and George Burns. But there are so few movies without a lot of violence or profanity, I think it's worth seeing.

Yes, this one has the addition of Ann Margret to bring in a little romance.

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We enjoyed the movie. 

I disagree that it's only for the senior set.  It's enjoyable for many. 

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