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Re: Mekeltie and Tony's Wedding


@highmaintenancejan  Tony's stomach is getting huge. We may see him on My 600 # Life in a few years. Bless Christine's heart for giving it a go, but it was painful to watch. The wrong song for her octave.

@pattypeep -  lol!


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Re: Mekeltie and Tony's Wedding



@highmaintenancejan  Tony's stomach is getting huge. We may see him on My 600 # Life in a few years. Bless Christine's heart for giving it a go, but it was painful to watch. The wrong song for her octave.

@pattypeep -  lol!


Anyone who thinks it's normal to eat 10 tacos in one sitting, is going to become overly obese by the age of thirty. 

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Re: Mekeltie and Tony's Wedding

Who are these people?

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Re: Mekeltie and Tony's Wedding

Children of one of the Sister Wive's

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Re: Mekeltie and Tony's Wedding

Colliemom, lol!!

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Re: Mekeltie and Tony's Wedding

I don't remember seeing an exchange of rings during the ceremony.  Did that ever happen??

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Re: Mekeltie and Tony's Wedding



If anyone wants to read some "good stuff" (ha ha) go to wives.


NO ONE likes Tony and there is a lot of speculation about him. I have my own opinion about him. He's creepy and weird.

@Love my grandkids  Ha ha. I copied this from their facebook page:


Oh my gosh! What a crazy wedding!
Tony talking while the pastor was speaking. I guess it wasn’t important to him to hear what he was vowing to. The dance that looked like Tony wanted to start a new tradition of giving your new wife whiplash. Making guests sit outside in freezing temperatures for the ceremony (they could have been her something blue).

Her disregard for her little baby sister risking pneumonia for a picture. Beating replica piñatas of your bride/groom (probably a sign of what is to come). The groom scooping a forkful of cake out of a cake meant to be cut and served to guests was beyond rude. Nobody wants cake with his taco breath on it. He may as well have peed on it so nobody else could have it.
Christine’s singing was not good but I’m sure my dog will come out from behind my couch eventually.

@colliemom4  OMG!  You hit the nail on the head !!!lol. Exactly my thoughts.  I couldn't believe him having to take a scope out of that cake ,  what an idiot and so unsanitary,  I wouldn't touch that cake after him!  He looked like he slob in his clothes ,  we're was his tux ?  and those keys hanging down from his pants ugh!  I don't understand what on earth she sees  in him he is a big dope IMO.  

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Re: Mekeltie and Tony's Wedding

Also that first dance with them.....I thought he was going to dislocate her arm !!  What kind if dancing is that?!  I noticed that everything was kind of related to his heritage as well.  What about her heritage?  I guess she didn't care.  Besides he pretty much took over everything,  such a controlling jerk!  He looked awful as well ,  a wrinkled unkept mess!!! Mykelti is a bit much herself!  Everything  g was "it's my wedding,  and I want it outside". " I want the photos outside". No regards to the sick children ,  ridiculous making all those guests sit out in the freezing cold,  very selfish ,  they both are.  And why didn't she put on that pretty faux fur cape instead if gooy's cost jacket?!  I give this marrauge maybe 1 yr.  I could be wrong though she seems to be crazy about him ,  no accounting for taste. 😕🙀

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Re: Mekeltie and Tony's Wedding


Speaking of "overweight" - IMO, all of the wives are overweight.  Even "skinny" Robyn has gained weight in all the wrong places.  I could not believe Janelle when I saw her in that black dress at the wedding.  The zipper all the way up the back was so crooked too.  She has gained back all the weight she lost when she was with that "trainer".... I think she lost a few pounds then but boy oh boy, has she put those pounds on again.


Kody is the only one who seems to stay the same.  Oh well, I guess he's getting all the exercise he needs if you know what I mean.  LOL

Hehehehe 🙀😈

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Re: Mekeltie and Tony's Wedding

Kody dances like a dork. Also he's a grown man who should take responsibility for his own clothes. Christine kept apologizing for forgetting his shirt. And the whole protection thing is phoney. Who was protecting Meri when she was getting catfished?