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Megyn to leave fox for nbc? It kind of looks that way

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Re: Megyn to leave fox for nbc? It kind of looks that way

Huge mistake....must be for huge salary.

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Re: Megyn to leave fox for nbc? It kind of looks that way

Please tell me she is done as of today and they won't keep her until July.  It's pretty obvious she's been out for bigger and better for sometime.  I used to enjoy her but in the last year she has become unwatchable.

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Re: Megyn to leave fox for nbc? It kind of looks that way

Looks like NBC & I will be going our separate ways!

~Breathe In~ Breathe Out~ Move On~
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Re: Megyn to leave fox for nbc? It kind of looks that way

Glad to see her go .... very rude to most guests .... knowing it's for ratings I am sure Mr. Ailes wanted a "bull dog" to spearhead his network (and now that he is gone perhaps the new boss cannot control her).  


Bill Reilly has higher ratings but who cares .... all the talking head shows on FOX are all the same (I do not watch CNN or NBC at all).

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Re: Megyn to leave fox for nbc? It kind of looks that way

When she started out, I can't remember her screaming and trying to hype her audience up. She seems incapable now ,of just  calmly taking about situations, without trying to start a riot

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Re: Megyn to leave fox for nbc? It kind of looks that way

There was a time when I made it a point to watch her.  Now I make it a point not to watch her at all. She is probably going to another "network" so that she can voice her negative opinions, which possibly Fox didn't want. I don't watch her new choice of networks, and I won't miss her.

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Re: Megyn to leave fox for nbc? It kind of looks that way

@cherry wrote:

I won't miss her yelling

Thanks for posting this @cherry, I just caught the announcement on Fox News a few minutes ago but this helps understand the move a bit better.  Sounds like they are offering her some great opportunities and I wish her well.

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Re: Megyn to leave fox for nbc? It kind of looks that way

Boy I hope it's true that she's gone from Fox........I'm so tired of her self-promotion and arrogance and I used to be a fan.............her head has gotten bigger before our very eyes and she says she hasn't changed!!  I hope Jesse Watters gets her hour with his own there's a bright, articuate guy who can hold his own with anyone without arrogance and with a sense of humor!!!

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Re: Megyn to leave fox for nbc? It kind of looks that way

I'm glad. I watch Fox 23/7. The one hour is the hour she's on I watch something else. Can't stand her and never bought her book. There are other girls on Fox that are smarter than she is and they don't make a fool of themselves. She is a know it all, and wants to put everyone down. I never watch any other station so won't be seeing her and never will be missing her. She'll do herself in with her mouth, she can't controll herself.