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Matt LeBlanc, 57, friends concerned about him

It's not often that Friends star Matt LeBlanc is seen out in public these days, but his most recent appearances have sparked concern in fans.


Matt LeBlanc, 57, was pictured on Tuesday as he was pictured in LA, amid reports his Friends costars are concerned for his well-being 



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Re: Matt LeBlanc, 57, friends concerned about him

I am so glad I'm not famous.  I just see an older overweight guy smoking.  There are millions of them out there.  Doesn't make the papers. . . 

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Re: Matt LeBlanc, 57, friends concerned about him

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@San Antonio Gal 


I'd be worried about him as well.

He looks terribly unhealthy and older than his age, 57 doesn't have to look like that. 

Being overweight and a cigarette smoker significantly increases your risk of all cause mortality and if my loved one was in that condition I'd be extremely worried about him.....He looks like a ticking time bomb.













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Re: Matt LeBlanc, 57, friends concerned about him

He always had a weight problem. I remember years ago listening to him speak about this problem. He probably is not working now and let himself go. Always a nice looking guy, too bad. Never know what is happening in a person's life. Even the famous have problems.

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Re: Matt LeBlanc, 57, friends concerned about him

@San Antonio Gal - This is so sad. Apparently he's taking Matthew Perry's death really hard. This whole group of actors is amazingly close. Maybe because after they were all cast director James Burrows took them to Las Vegas for a few days so they would get to know each other. He told them they were going to be really famous. Matthew and Matt were close long after Friends ended.



Courtney and Jennifer check up on him every day. They go to his home frequently.




Interesting tidbit: On the show originally Monica and Joey were supposed to get together. The producers decided to focus on Ross and Rachel instead.  



Matt is divorced and has a 20-year old daughter and stepchildren.




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Re: Matt LeBlanc, 57, friends concerned about him

So he's gained weight and he's not wearing designer jeans, tee or shoes.  I don't see anything that would concern me, except for the smoking.


It must be awful to know that your every move will be photographed.  Maybe he's just getting some D.I.Y. stuff to do some work around his home.


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Re: Matt LeBlanc, 57, friends concerned about him

Pictures were taken when he was out car shopping with his daughter.

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Re: Matt LeBlanc, 57, friends concerned about him

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Oh, well that makes a world of difference.  I always dress up to the nines, when I go car shopping!, I don't.  I usually wear a tee, jeans and sneakers so I can test drive any potential car.  Smiley LOL


(Jeez, no privacy at all for celebrities, even when out with their kids.)


"A little learning is a dangerous thing." Alexander Pope
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Re: Matt LeBlanc, 57, friends concerned about him

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I agree that he doesn't look like he used to and somewhat unrecognizable but people change over the years.  The smoking does bother me though and I don't care how he's dressed no matter where he is unless he's going into a fancy restaurant dressed like that.  It's normal.  Sorry if people don't agree.  I'm glad that his friends watch out for him and check on him daily.  That's what friends are for and says something about them and how close they were.

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Re: Matt LeBlanc, 57, friends concerned about him

I always loved him on Friends and he was on another sit com recently and he was so good in both of these.  I'm sure with Friends and the money he made he is set for life and he probably doesn't have any financal worries, so if he just wants to not worry about looking perfect all the time and he is happy with himself, then that's just fine.  The only thing that I think is worrisome is the smoking.  I won't go into details, but this is something that has really negatively impacted my life in many ways.  


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