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Re: Married at First Sight New Orleans


Hmmmm -- interesting.  Thanks -- well, if so, that's good then!  I hate to see anyone break up a marriage if it can be saved! 

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Re: Married at First Sight New Orleans

Christina & Henry - Christina reminds me of that pro basketball player from lasst season that also did not have a place to live - he was couch surfing before he got married.


Christina appears to have been in the same situation.  Remember when she didn't have anything to move into the apartment and they went to her car trunk to retrieve her possessions?  I don't understand these matchmakers - someone who is homeless is a RED FLAG.  Who wants to date much less marry someone who does not have a place to live?  


I thought Dr. Pepper went to the homes/apartments of potential candidates opening drawers, closets and even refrigerators checking out to see if they were slobs, hoarders.  So - what happened with Christina - how could she go to Christina's home/apartment when she didn't have one?  


Like the probasketball player who was a womanizer, Christina appears to go on these mysterious overnight walks - this is total negligence on the part of the show.  They are supposed to "vet" these people.

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Re: Married at First Sight New Orleans

Henry is cold.  I don’t think he was ever interested in Christina.  

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Re: Married at First Sight New Orleans

I don't think Henry is cold, but I do agree that he is not interested in ChristinA. She was rude to him even at their wedding and she couldn't be bothered to remember his name, for crying out loud! He wanted to be matched with someone petite and she isn't. He HAS tried to have fun, even with her snarky comments. But, her accusing him of being gay because he is not interested in her is too much. I know she claims she saw a text that someone said he had a relationship with him, but she sure bought that as a reason he wasn't attracted to her. Apparently the fact that she is a rude, condescending, entitled person doesn't factor in?

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Re: Married at First Sight New Orleans

It was interesting Bennett thought what Henry said was confusing.  Henry is a terrible communicator.  I’m not sure Henry even knows what he’s saying most of the time.  I find him totally unlikeable.


Christina tried for a while, but apparently has given up or is fed up.

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Re: Married at First Sight New Orleans

I cannot imagine being together for 2-3 months and not being intimate.  OMG  No relationship with never make it if there isn't a physical attraction.

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Re: Married at First Sight New Orleans

[ Edited ]

As far as Christina and Henry, I don't think that was a good match from the start.  It's hard to show feelings for someone when you're just not into them.  Maybe he and Olivia would have been a better match.  He did seem genuinely concerned about her when Brett was being a real jerk. 


I think Karen had better move a little faster, if she intends to keep Miles interested.  For goodness sake, barely holding hands or a tiny kiss after four months of living with him.  What's up with her?  

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Re: Married at First Sight New Orleans

Christina is very rude but Henry is no angel himself.  They bring out the absolute worst in each other, no doubt about it.  How interesting that his celeb crush is Kate Beckinsdale.  Doesn't his b***hy* "friend" look an awful lot like her?? 


What is interesting to me this season is usually in a couple I will not like one of them maybe.  Like the basketball player was a jerk but his wife seemed fine.  And last season Zack was it?  The disinterested guy with Mindy.  Kate's husband, Luke (?).   In this season it is a matter of total  mismatches.  LIke purposeful mismatches for drama.   In both Henry and Christina's case and Brett and Olivia.  Probably both would be fine with the right person but they matched them with people who would never work.  

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Re: Married at First Sight New Orleans

@Wsmom wrote:

Christina is very rude but Henry is no angel himself.  They bring out the absolute worst in each other, no doubt about it.  How interesting that his celeb crush is Kate Beckinsdale.  Doesn't his b***hy* "friend" look an awful lot like her?? 


What is interesting to me this season is usually in a couple I will not like one of them maybe.  Like the basketball player was a jerk but his wife seemed fine.  And last season Zack was it?  The disinterested guy with Mindy.  Kate's husband, Luke (?).   In this season it is a matter of total  mismatches.  LIke purposeful mismatches for drama.   In both HenryI  and Christina's case and Brett and Olivia.  Probably both would be fine with the right person but they matched them with people who would never work.  

I feel the same way.  I don't like two of the couples together but separately I like them all.  I do feel they throw in couples that have no hope just to get drama.  Couples that get along are pretty boring TV watching like Bobby and Danielle a couple of seasons ago.  

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Re: Married at First Sight New Orleans

[ Edited ]

@Lisa now in AZ wrote:

I don't think Henry is cold, but I do agree that he is not interested in ChristinA. She was rude to him even at their wedding and she couldn't be bothered to remember his name, for crying out loud! He wanted to be matched with someone petite and she isn't. He HAS tried to have fun, even with her snarky comments. But, her accusing him of being gay because he is not interested in her is too much. I know she claims she saw a text that someone said he had a relationship with him, but she sure bought that as a reason he wasn't attracted to her. Apparently the fact that she is a rude, condescending, entitled person doesn't factor in?


@Lisa now in AZ  I agree about Henry- he's not cold, just kind of awkward when he's in an uncomfortable situation. Like this entire season! Woman Very Happy He's personable when he's been on the 'Unfiltered' episodes. 


It  seems Christina is used to  guys jumping her bones-- and that's not Henry's style. No matter if he's into the girl or not! She's just plain RUDE as well. Woman Frustrated